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DateAgendaYouTube Link
Feb. 17Regular Meeting is external)
Nov. 18Regular Meeting is external)
Oct. 21Regular MeetingOct. 21, 2024 Video(link is external)
Sept. 16Regular Meeting and Special Executive Meeting is external)
Aug. 19Regular Meeting is external)
Aug. 8Retreatn/a
June 10 Regular Meeting is external)
June 10Budget Work Sessionn/a
June 5Work Sessionn/a
May 20Regular Meeting
May 6Budget Work Session
April 17Work Session n/a
March 18Regular Meeting is external)
March 14Work Session n/a
Feb. 19Regular Meeting is external)
Jan. 30Work Sessionn/a
Nov. 20Regular Meeting is external)bULC-XYmdLA?feature=share(link is external)
Nov. 15Work Session n/a
Oct. 19Work Sessionn/a
Oct. 16Regular Meeting is external)
Sept. 18Regular Meeting is external)
Aug. 21Regular Meeting is external)
June 12Regular Meeting is external)
June 12Budget Work Session is external)
June 7Work Sessionn/a
May 15Regular Meeting is external)
May 1Budget Work Session


April 19Work Sessionn/a
March 20Regular Meeting is external)
March 8Work Session n/a
Feb. 20Regular Meeting is external)
Nov. 21Regular Meeting is external)
Oct. 17Regular Meeting is external)
Sept. 19Regular Meeting is external)
Aug. 15Work Session & Regular Meeting is external)
July 18Work Sessionn/a
June 13Budget Work Session & Regular Board Meeting is external)
May 16Regular Meeting is external)
May 2Budget Work Session is external)
March 21Regular Meeting is external)
Feb. 21Regular Meeting is external)
Nov. 15Regular Meeting is external)
Oct. 18Regular Meeting is external)
Sept. 20Regular Meeting is external)