The Grants Department operates under the auspices of the College Advancement Department to assist faculty and staff in obtaining grant funding to advance the mission, vision and strategic goals of the college.
In doing so, the department supports the development of projects and programs that foster teaching and learning strategies designed to enhance student success.
- Researching grant opportunities
- Coordinating the grant development process
- Grant writing and editing services
- Facilitating grant-related community partnerships
- Administering the faculty and staff professional development grant programs (IIPD and SSPD)
The Grants Department does not offer grants or scholarships directly to students; those services are provided by the Financial Aid Office.
Faculty & Staff

Lisa Dopke
Director of Grants
(616) 234-3340

Julie Blaszak
Grants and Contracts Specialist
(616) 234-3928

Lisa Dopke
Director of Grants
(616) 234-3340