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How to Register for Classes

Register for classes

View illustrated step-by-step instructions

Registering for more than 20 credits? Please complete a Maximum Credit Hour Request

  1. To access your online accounts, click MYGRCC Portal. Trouble signing in? Call: (616) 234-4357.
  2. Select GRCC Online Center.
  3. Select the Add/Drop Classes tile on the Online Center homepage.
  4. Select Class Search and Enroll, then choose the semester.
  5. To search for specific classes, type the subject prefix and course number in the field under Search for Classes (leave a space between the prefix and the number) and click the arrow at right or hit the “enter” key on your keyboard. You can also search by subject, i.e., type “psychology” and click the arrow and see all psychology courses being offered during the selected semester.
  6. Note: At this point you can use the menu at left to filter your search. If, for example, you only want to see courses that are offered online, click the box next to Online in the Instruction Mode section. If the course has full sections that offer waitlists, a Wait List option will appear in the menu. For more information about waitlists, see:
  7. The course sections will be listed (a corresponding four-digit number appears in the Class column). Check the Status and Seats columns for availability. Check the Room column for class mode ("Online Course” or “Virtual Classroom”). If a room number and building are listed, the section meets in person. “Hybrid” means there will be both in person and online instruction. Check the Meeting Dates and Days and Times columns to see when in person and virtual sections are held (Online Course sections say “To be Announced” but do not have meeting times). For detailed information, click the blue hyperlink (“Lecture” or “Laboratory”) – see step 7.a and 7.b
    1. For details such as credit/contact hours and the enrollment deadline, click the Class Details tab. For prerequisite restrictions, click the Enrollment Information tab. Click the X in the upper right corner of the box to close the window.
    2. After closing the Class Information window, click the arrow at right in the listing of the section you want.
  8. Click the Accept button. (If you want to be placed on a waitlist for a full class, be sure to first change “No” to “Yes”)
  9. Click the Submit button. NOTE: You are not yet enrolled in the class.
  10. Click Shopping Cart in the menu at the left.
  11. To complete enrollment, click the box in the Select column at left in the listing of each course you want, then click the Enroll button in the upper right corner.

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