We provide free tutoring support for students taking Computer Information System classes. The space offers a wide range of software on GRCC desktop and Mac computers and the use of personal computers. This is an active learning center that provides academic support from both professional and peer tutors.
The Biology Learning Center (BLC) provides tutorial support for students in biology classes at GRCC both in-person and virtually via Zoom. Our student-oriented services are designed to assist students during their learning experience and tutoring is free of charge for current GRCC students. Tutorial visits can occur during our drop-in hours or students may set-up an appointment through Navigate at myGRCC.
Business & Economics Tutorial Lab
The Business & Economics Tutorial Lab provides personalized, one-on-one assistance to any GRCC student with their business or economics classes. We strive to offer a welcoming, inclusive, and relaxed environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes. We are a group of kind, empathetic individuals who genuinely care about your success!
Calculus and Physical Science Tutorial Lab
The Calculus and Physical Science Tutorial Lab is a drop-in center for students studying calculus, discrete mathematics (MA 245), physics, physical science, chemistry, and geology. The lab provides student-oriented services designed to assist during the learning experience. This is a free service. No appointment is necessary.
Health Sciences Resource & Tutorial Center
The Health Sciences Resource & Tutorial Center is a tutorial center for students studying all nursing, radiology, occupational therapy and dental courses offered at GRCC, as well as students in Workforce Development health programming.
Students may seek tutorial assistance for coursework in these programs. This is an active learning center supporting course study groups and student tutoring, both in an online or virtual format. Tutoring services are offered by appointment.
The Language Arts Tutorial Lab provides support to all students who have questions related to reading, writing, or language studies.
The lab is staffed by professional and student tutors with varying degree levels in differing majors, all of whom are passionate about helping students improve and grow.
Most tutoring sessions last between 20-30 minutes and students do not need to make appointments--they are welcome to come and go as they please!
Math Prep & Learning Lab is a drop-in center that offers assistance for students needing to navigate the study tool in ALEKS PPL in order to improve their math placement score, a "Brush Up" program for students who need to retest before enrolling in MA 97, and services specifically designed to help students prepare for and succeed in MA 97 and MA 98.
The Mathematics Tutorial Lab is a drop-in center for students studying MA 99, 105, 107, 108, 110, 124, 127, 131, 210, 211, 215 and TE 103 or 104. The lab provides student-oriented services designed to assist during the learning experience. This is a free service. No appointment is necessary.
The CAD Tutorial Lab provides free drop-in tutoring support for students taking Mechanical and Architectural Design/CAD classes. The tutorial lab offers student-oriented support to GRCC students during their academic experience. The lab provides a comfortable atmosphere where students can connect with other Mechanical and Architectural Design/CAD students and get help from both professional and peer tutors. This is a free service and no appointment is necessary.