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Official College Statements

Our diverse college community, coupled with today's complex and rapidly changing world events, often creates opportunities for GRCC to create and distribute official college statements. Public statements are designed to communicate timely, sensitive or critical information to our internal community and the general public, as well as support our goal to create an informed, equitable and safe environment for all students, faculty and staff.

A public statement is defined as any form of communication by a college leader to students, faculty, staff, alumni, the press, the public or other institutional stakeholders from a college-owned channel (email, website, social media feed, etc.) regarding a local, state, national or international issue.

Public statements should be issued sparingly to avoid taking a position on matters of public policy, political, and societal issues. Those authorized to make a public statement on behalf of the college include the president or designee (e.g., Executive Leadership Team member). The Board of Trustees may occasionally issue their own statement, but should be in accordance with the Board Member’s Code of Conduct policy. Reaching out with support and resources for members of the college community most directly affected is often the best approach.

Statement on Free Speech and Expression
