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Grand Rapids Community College Statement on Free Speech and Expression

Grand Rapids Community College recognizes the critical importance of upholding the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.   

GRCC’s statement regarding its Vision, Value, Mission and Goals affirms that the College will provide “relevant educational opportunities that are responsive to the needs of the community and inspires students to meet economic, social and environmental challenges to become active participants in the shaping the world of the future.”  Safeguarding free speech and expression is a critical component of ensuring that members of the GRCC community are prepared to meet these challenges and meaningfully participate in shaping the world.

The College’s commitment to free speech and expression recognizes that public institutions, at their best, serve as a marketplace for the exchange of ideas, encourage open dialogue and communication, protect academic freedom, and provide a forum for vigorous debate.   In upholding these important ideals, the College is proud to cultivate an atmosphere of tolerance that fosters respect for different points of view. 

GRCC recognizes that the viewpoints and ideas of different individuals will often be in contrast with one another, and that some people may vehemently disagree with certain perspectives, or even find them offensive or abhorrent.  However, the College also recognizes that an individual does not forfeit constitutional protections merely because their speech or expression is controversial.

While the College believes that constitutional protections for speech and expression are of critical importance, these protections are not unlimited.  GRCC maintains a policy permitting it to regulate the time, place and manner of speech and expression to ensure that the College can carry on its ordinary activities.  In addition, the College may also prohibit or regulate speech or expression that violates the law, threatens the physical safety of others, or violates the College’s prohibitions against unlawful discrimination or harassment.  It is important to note, however, that these exceptions are narrow, and the College will not seek to regulate protected speech, even offensive speech, under improper pretenses.

GRCC strives to be a place where people can come together to express diverse views in a manner that is safe, educational and enriching.  We can continue to realize this goal by joining together as a campus community with the understanding that free speech and expression benefit us all.  
