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Enhance skills quickly with GRCC microcredentials

October 31, 2024 If you did a quick “man on the street” survey, you would probably find that most people have a basic understanding of what a bachelor’s degree is and how to get one. A large percentage of people would also know what an associate degree is. But ask them about a credential or certificate, and they might give you a bit of a blank look. That’s unfortunate, because credentials and micro-degrees are a growing trend in education.   Grand Rapids Community College has adopted the practice of granting certificates because it benefits students as well as employers. GRCC currently offers nearly 50 certificate options.  “A certificate is somewhat similar to a minor in terms of its purpose,” said Sheila Jones, provost and executive vice president of Academic and Student Affairs. “It indicates that someone has a concentrated skill in a specific area. Most of our certificates require approximately 25 credits and can be completed, on average, in one year.” Why would a student choose to earn a certificate?  “Sometimes a certificate is part of a larger degree,” Jones said. “For example, a student pursuing a computer science degree might choose classes that also yield an Artificial Intelligence (AI) certificate. This means that the student has focused on AI as part of his or her overall education.” However, that’s not the only use for a certificate.  “Many people come to GRCC because they need to acquire skills in a particular area,” Jones said. “For example, someone who works in manufacturing may be asked to take over quality control, regardless of whether he or she has specific training in that area. Our quality certificate can provide the foundational knowledge needed in this specific area.” Certificates have other applications as well. They can be a wonderful way to explore career trends or focus areas. They can be a stepping stone between a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. They could be a way to upskill in a particular skill area. A certificate can also provide a quick route to an entry-level job.  Employers who understand the meaning and value of certificates have a leg up in the recruitment and retention game.  “Many of our certificates are offered in high-growth, rapidly-changing fields, such as technology, health care or manufacturing,” Jones said. “Employers can utilize the certificate program to quickly educate employees in a particular area with cutting edge knowledge. An employer who offers tuition reimbursement can help employees plan for job growth by enhancing their skills. This will help with overall employee retention.”  Jones encourages employers to carefully evaluate the requirements when they post job openings.  “Requiring an associate degree or bachelor’s degree can be somewhat reflexive,” Jones said. “But many jobs, especially entry-level positions, may not need all those skills right away. Someone with a computer support technician certificate or welding certificate, for example, might be a perfect fit for an entry level position. Then that individual can grow and take further classes while building a career path. This approach can help employers broaden their pool of applicants.”  To learn more about GRCC micro-credentialing options, visit our  See Programs webpage and search “certificate.”   This story was reported by Julie Hordyk.

Tech tip: Employee separations, transfers, or retirements

Do you have an employee who is leaving, transferring positions or retiring and want to make sure their access is removed for the systems they used? Here are some things to know about. Removing employees' access Network Accounts To have access removed from an employee’s network account, supervisors should fill out the Employee Separation service form upon separation with the college or retirement. This would include access to systems such as Peoplesoft, Web Editing Access, Document Imaging and shared Network Drives. To submit an Employee Separation, visit the  IT Support Portal . Google groups Each Google Group has one or more managers that controls the member access. If you have someone that needs to be removed from a Group, notify one of the Group managers. If you are not sure who the manager of a Group is, click the Member tab in a Group and the Manager(s) will be listed there. You can add or remove users from your Google Group by following the steps listed in our  knowledge base. Google Team drive IT has empowered managers of Google Team Drives to update access for their employees.  You can add or remove users from your team drive by following the steps listed in our  knowledge base .   Google Spaces/Team Chat IT has empowered members of Google Spaces to update access for their own chat spaces. You can add or remove users from Chat Spaces by following the steps listed in our  knowledge base .  Email An employee’s email access will automatically be removed when an Employee Separation request is processed. Separations are processed on the effective date which is typically the day after the employee’s last day. Supervisors should coordinate with their employee before the date of separation to transfer important departmental emails. Lastly, we strongly encourage managers to have their employees share the content of their Google Drive, J Drive, or GRCC email that may be relevant to their position as it becomes difficult to recover after someone leaves GRCC. For more information and helpful tips, please visit the  IT Support Portal  or contact the IT Support Desk at x4357.

TLDE November learning sessions

Here’s a quick reminder of the TLDE Learning Sessions coming up in November! To learn how to register, go to the Professional Development Registration Process   webpage. Upcoming learning sessions Teaching & Learning with AI: A Community of Practice - TLDE Staff November 6   3-4 p.m. Virtual This session is an opportunity to come together to explore and discuss A.I. in service of teaching and learning. In this month's topic, we will discuss leveraging AI for course design followed by open discussion and sharing of ideas and practices from the classroom. Program Director & Department Head Table Talks - Shelly Richter  November 19 3-4:30 p.m. In-person Please join your colleagues at GRCCs PD/DH Table Talk. Each session will have a particular focus aimed at supporting your success in the PD/DH role. Session agendas will also include time for open dialogue, asking role related questions, seeking input on navigating challenges, and simply getting to know available resources, including your colleagues. Office Hours Reimaged Using Google Calendar -Justin Vogelar  November 13 3-4 p.m. HyFlex Get hands on practice creating an appointment schedule using Google Calendar and integrate it with your Blackboard course. Learning Circle: Cultures of Growth by Mary C. Murphy - Amy Lyn and Rachel Lutwick-Deaner  November 12 4:30-6 p.m. Virtual Learning Circle: Grading for Growth by Mary C. Murphy - Lauren Woolsey View resources and meeting dates on Padlet In-person Training by department request  Email TLDE to schedule one of the workshops below for your area. UDL: Teaching for All Learners In this session, we will explore the research supporting UDL and consider ways to apply the UDL Guidelines in your classroom. If you are new to UDL, this workshop will help you to unpack the guidelines and share your insights. If your comfort with UDL falls further along the continuum of experience, this workshop will invite you to take your learning deeper and share your expertise. Understanding How Attendance Can Impact Our Students This presentation will give an overview of the GRCC attendance policy and how it works. We will also cover the different components and how they can affect a student's progress. Additionally, we will share strategies for how to monitor attendance and communicate with students about absences. Teaching With Panopto In this Panopto session, we’ll cover the basics—logging in, recording, organizing, and sharing videos—then dive into advanced features like the desktop recorder, video editing, quizzing, and LMS integrations. Traveling with Students Off Campus This session will prepare attendees to successfully create and facilitate a range of employee-led travel experiences designed to enrich the student experience. We will review the College Sponsored Student Travel policy and procedures and answer two questions; "What does the college need to know to approve/support a travel experience?" and "What do employees/students need to do once the trip is approved?" Tending the Garden: Promoting a Culture of Academic Integrity As educators, we sow the seeds to grow and support academic integrity. Rather than AI becoming an unwelcome intruder, let’s discover how we can use AI as a tool for opportunity and growth. Equipped with this knowledge, how can we leverage strategic course design, cultivate a sense of community, and empower students to embrace academic integrity? We’ll explore this self- paced asynchronous Canvas course. Other offerings Visit the TLDE Learning Sessions page to learn more about other sessions being offered throughout the academic year.    