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Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Aid

For additional help, contact the Financial aid Office at (616) 234-4030.

Where do I pay my tuition bill?

Tuition can be paid through the MyBill tile on the online center through your MyGRCC account. For more information, check out this video(link is external) or check out this website

When is my tuition due?

Tuition is due based off of the date you enrolled in your class. For a comprehensive list of tuition dates, check out this website.

How can I apply for FAFSA?

You can go to is external) for more information and to access the application.

How can I apply for scholarships?

You can submit a single application through the Academic Works tile in your MyGRCC account.


For additional help, contact the student services at (616) 234-3300.

How do I drop a class?

In the Add/Drop classes tile of the online center and on the left side of the screen, there is a tab that says Drop Classes. This is where you can select the class you want to drop and then drop it. For more information, check out this walkthrough video(link is external).

Where do I register for classes?

New students will register for classes at their Advising and Registration session. Otherwise, you can register for your classes through the online center under the Add/Drop classes tile. You can then click on class search and enroll and find the class you need either by using the course code, class name, or lecture number. This video will walk you through the entire process(link is external).

How do I see which classes I’m enrolled in?

To see which classes you are enrolled in, go into the Add/Drop classes tile in your Online Center. Once there, click on the tab on the left side of the page called View My Classes and choose the semester you want to view. The classes you are enrolled in for that semester should show up on your screen. If they do not, make sure you are fully enrolled in them or contact our IT department at (616) 234-4357.

How do I sign up for IRW 099 and EN 101 together?

The IRW 099 and EN 101 classes have to correspond with each other. This video(link is external) walks you through how to properly sign up for both courses.

If a class is in my shopping cart, am I enrolled?

No. If you have any classes in the shopping cart, you are not fully enrolled. Classes will show up in your View My Classes tab once you have fully enrolled in them.


For additional help, contact the Advising Office at (616) 234-3900

How can I view my recommendations?

Recommendations are listed in Navigate under the Planner tab at the top of the screen. Once in Planner, recommendations can be viewed on the right side of the screen and any comments from your advisor can be viewed under the feedback history tab. Please watch this video(link is external) for more information.

I want to transfer to a specific college, which classes should I take?

To transfer to a specific college, you will need to consult an advisor and follow the articulation agreement on their website (if available).

Who is my advisor?

You can view who your advisor is in Navigate. Once in Navigate, choose the Appointments tab on the left side and then click on the My Team button.

How do I schedule an advising appointment?

Please note that students must go through an Advising and Registration session before being able to meet with an advisor. You will do this through your Navigate account. Please watch this video for a full walkthrough(link is external).

Student Life

For more information, contact the Student Life Office at (616) 234-4160.

What is a RaiderCard?

A RaiderCard is your student ID that serves as your on campus debit card. With money loaded onto your card you can pay for parking, printing, dining, vending, and at our library. You can also use your RaiderCard to access our various amenities at the Ford Fieldhouse, along with accessing our Academic Support services.

Where do I get my RaiderCard?

You can take your RaiderCard photo either in-person at our Student Life Office on the first floor of the Student Center, or you can submit one online through StudentLink. To upload a photo, please watch this tutorial video(link is external). If you are submitting a photo online, you will still need to pick up your ID at our Student Life Office.

How do I put money on my RaiderCard?

There are 2 ways you can put money onto your RaiderCard. There are in-person RaiderCard machines around campus located on the walls. The other option is to go onto your MyGRCC account and go into Student Link, where you can make a deposit online.

Technical Difficulties

For additional help, contact the IT Office at (616) 234-4357.

What is the login information for my student email?

Your student email uses the same login information as your MyGRCC account. This means that your email address will be your MyGRCC username with and your password will be the same as your MyGRCC password. Please see this video(link is external) for more information.

Why can’t I sign up for a math class?

Before you are able to register for a math course, you have to have either met the prerequisite for the class or have taken the ALEKS math placement test. If you have not taken the ALEKS test yet, here is a video (link is external)with more information.

It says there’s an orientation hold on my account. How do I get rid of that?

To get rid of the orientation hold as a new student, you have to attend an Advising and Registration session either in-person, virtually, or through Blackboard. Sign up for a session.
