The GRCC Music Department is an open access collegiate music program that embraces community, cultivates curiosity, promotes creativity, and inspires dynamic human expression through musical arts.
We seek to accomplish our mission through the following strategies:
- Serving Students - We provide a learning environment that fosters and nourishes creative thought and provides students the opportunity to:
- Develop the skills needed to acquire employment in their discipline
- Develop the skills required for successful transfer to other educational institutions
- Use the arts disciplines to develop life skills (e.g. critical thinking)
- Serving The Community - We support the musical arts in the greater Grand Rapids community and help create demand for this art form by:
- Contributing our experience to the community
- Building and developing community music organizations and participating in the network of these community organizations
- Providing opportunities for community members to practice and develop their musical art
- Providing information to the community as an arts resource
- Sponsoring and delivering workshops that are open to the community
- Presenting student, faculty, and guest artist concerts and recitals, both on campus and in a variety of settings throughout the community
- Furthering Music as a Discipline - As professional musicians, we contribute to the development of our discipline by:
- Actively participating as professionals in the community
- Engaging in opportunities for professional development