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Occupational Support Services

Academic Advising PlanningCreate a plan for your academic success at GRCC and find out what your personalized timeline will be for graduation.
Career AdvisingNeed help finding or exploring careers?  We can help!  We also invite you to take the FOCUS2 Career Assessment to learn more about you and careers you might like.
Career NewslettersFind out about job fairs in the community. Tips for your job search. Employers who are offering opportunities for students.
Child Care AssistanceStudents who are eligible for Pell Grant and need a child care spot for their child 0-5, can be added to OSP’s child care wait list. Limited spots are available on a first come-first serve basis. Help with accessing other funding for child care, too. 
Class RegistrationFeeling overwhelmed trying to fit your courses together around your busy life for next semester?  No problem!  Let's work through it together.
Financial AssistanceHave Pell Grant but still have financial need? You may have the opportunity to get some additional financial assistance for either tuition, books, parking, bus passes, or gas (when available).
Free Workshops & EventsFind a workshop topic that is tailored to your needs.  Topics include: Exploring New Career Options, Choosing a Major, Job Searching, Internship Preparation.  All are welcome!
GRCC Program ExplorationAren’t sure which GRCC program best fits your goals?  We can help!
Internship CoachingFeeling unsure where to start looking or how to make a good decision with your internship? Let’s talk and help you get next steps.
Job Application SupportGet assistance with creating a resume, cover letter, or getting your LinkedIn profile started! 
Job Searching AssistanceLearn where to job search for your career and get help enrolling in GRCC’s College Central Network(link is external) job search portal.
Job Shadowing / Industry ToursAre you wishing you could see what your industry looks like to confirm that you are on the right career path?  We have many connections to help you get a sneak peak of your future career.
MI-Bridges ApplicationsAdvisors can assist students with completing the MI-Bridges applicatio(link is external)n for services for help for your family.
Referrals - On & Off CampusAdvisors will connect you with others for financial, child care, academic support, etc.
Study Skill BuildingNeed new tips and tricks for studying for new subjects or different type of material? Let's talk!