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The Child Care Award is designed to provide eligible custodial parents with child care assistance while the parent is attending Grand Rapids Community College. The award provides partial payment of licensed child care services for the recipients which are provided only at the GRCC preschool.


To be eligible for child care, students must be enrolled in a one- or two-year occupational curriculum and receive a Pell Grant.


Students must be enrolled in six credits or more to be eligible and ideally attending class on-campus during the time that a child is in child care. Weekly study time/work-study hours are allowed during the assigned slot time as well.  Options may be available for online students as well.

A student may be eligible for child care assistance for one semester regardless of past academic performance. Students who fail to earn a 2.0 gpa in subsequent semesters may become ineligible. Withdrawals (W) and Incompletes (I) will affect subsequent eligibility. No Repeat (R) courses will be funded unless approved by a staff member.

If you qualify and are interested, you must do the following:

  • Schedule an appointment with a program counselor/advisor to complete the application
  • Sign up for classes with assigned counselor/advisor
  • Sign contract agreement each semester

Cost to Student

Student cost for child care are as follows, MWF $210.00, T/TH $140.00 per semester. The student must pay the above balance at the Student Financial Services office.


The OSP program determines placement in child care based on the following:

  • Date of application
  • Class schedule
  • Availability
  • Age of child

Continued placement is dependent upon:

  • Keeping at least one appointment per semester with your counselor/advisor
  • Scheduling of classes with counselor/advisor
  • Making consistent child care fee payments
  • Continued financial aid eligibility

Child care will not be available until the student connects with an assigned counselor and all paperwork is completed each semester.
