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To support GRCC faculty and staff, the TLDE department promotes inclusive practices for creating equitable and culturally responsive learning environments that affirm students' identities.

The Good Practices for Inclusive Teaching and Learning provide educators with an asset-based approach to navigate today’s multimodal educational landscape. Collaboratively developed and informed by decades of research, these guidelines extend and refine the widely recognized "Principles of Good Teaching in Undergraduate Education" (Chickering & Gamson, 1987) from an equity-minded perspective.

Good Practices for Inclusive Teaching and Learning

  • Promote Communication and Trust between Student and Educator
  • Cultivate Community and Collaboration among Students
  • Design for Active Learning
  • Facilitate Critical Thinking and Reflection
  • Generate Prompt, Meaningful, and Multimodal Feedback Loops
  • Optimize Time on Task
  • Communicate High Expectations and Confidence in Student Abilities
  • Incorporate Diverse Talents and Diverse Ways of Learning and Knowing

(Artze-Vega, 2023; Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996; Cohen, 2022; Dweck, 2017/2006; Gordon, 2024; Vaughan et al., 2024)
