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Faculty Evaluation System

Grand Rapids Community College evaluation system is for full-time classroom faculty, Counselors, Librarians, Job Training faculty, and Tutorial Coordinators.

The purpose of the Faculty Evaluation System at Grand Rapids Community College is to promote excellence in the teaching and learning process. Faculty evaluation at GRCC is intended as a collegial process.

The comprehensive Faculty Evaluation System includes multiple measures of assessment designed to provide faculty with the essential information they need to achieve excellence in the teaching and mentoring of learners. The Faculty Evaluation System promotes excellence by rewarding exemplary faculty and by providing the means of individual professional development, resulting in improved student learning and institutional quality.

Part of the College’s commitment to educational excellence is to recruit and retain highly qualified faculty. The College also recognizes that faculty who do not meet acceptable levels of performance and who fail to improve those levels of performance will not be retained.

The underlying assumption of the Faculty Evaluation System at GRCC is that it is a collegial system with collective responsibility for excellence in teaching and learning shared by each colleague in the academic department and College. Tenure, step progression, and promotion are the acknowledgements by one’s colleagues of an individual’s readiness to move forward to the next level of performance and responsibility.

Important Dates: 2024-25 Calendar

  • Monday, July 15: FPE System Plans Open
  • Friday, September 20: FPE Plans Submitted* 
  • Monday, September 23-Friday, September 27: DH/PD Review and Approval of FPE Plans**
  • Monday, September 30-Friday, October 11: AD Review and Approval of FPE Plans**
  • Monday, October 28: FPE System Reports Open
  • Friday November 15: Tenure Committees Finalized 
  • Friday, January 17: Rank Committees Finalized; Tenure Portfolios Submitted
  • Friday, February 7: Tenure Committee Recommendations Submitted to Deans
  • Friday, February 14: Dean Recommendations on Tenure Applications Submitted to Provost
  • Friday, February 21: Provost Notifies Faculty on Tenure Decisions 
  • Friday, March 14: Rank Portfolios Submitted
  • Friday, April 4: Rank Committee Recommendations Submitted to Deans
  • Friday, April 11: Dean Recommendations on Rank Applications Submitted to Provost 
  • Friday, April 11: FPE Reports Submitted* 
  • Monday, April 14 – Friday, May 2: DH/PD Review and Approval of FPE Reports**
  • Friday, April 18: Provost’s Decisions on Rank Applications 
  • Monday, May 5 – Friday, May 23: AD Review and Approval of FPE Reports**
  • Tuesday, June 24: Full-time Faculty Notified of Decisions on Pay Increases

* FPE plans and reports must be submitted by 11:59pm on the published due date.
** If FPE plan or report revisions are requested by their department head/program director or their associate dean, faculty members have three business days to make revisions and resubmit.

Training Schedule: 2024-25 Calendar

Faculty Evaluation System Training Schedule: 2024-25 Calendar

  • Friday, September 6: FPE Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Monday, September 9: FPE Training, RJF 302 (3-4 p.m.)
  • Friday, September 27: Classroom Observation Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Monday, September 30: Classroom Observation Training, RJF 302 (3-4 p.m.)
  • Thursday, October 3: Portfolio Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Friday, October 4: Portfolio Training, RJF 302 (3-4 p.m.)
  • Friday, January 24: Portfolio Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Friday, February 14: Portfolio Training, RJF 302 (3-4 p.m.)
  • Friday, February 21: Portfolio Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Thursday, March 6: Classroom Observation Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Friday, March 7: PE Report Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)
  • Friday, March 14: FPE Report Training, CAH 210 (10-11 a.m.)

Note: Faculty may register for the training sessions via their Online Center 

Portfolios for Tenure and Rank Promotion

The portfolio is the primary documentary evidence used for tenure review and promotions in rank. It is used by all tenure and promotion review committees as the foundation of their deliberations. Workshops will introduce participants to the portfolio at GRCC and the processes surrounding it. NOTE: completion of a portfolio workshop is required for any faculty member who wishes to serve on a rank or tenure committee.

Classroom Observations

Observations are an important component of the evaluation system but how do you perform effective observations that result in constructive feedback? This session explains the behaviors that characterize effective instruction and assists faculty in using those behaviors as benchmarks for effective and appropriate peer evaluation. It also covers the documentation associated with observations in the Faculty Evaluation System. The session covers information on observation of both face to face and online courses. NOTE: Completion of this session is required before faculty will be permitted to complete observations of peers.


If you have questions about the evaluation system, feel free to contact your associate dean:
