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Reporting a Title IX Concern

If you have a concern that you believe may be sexual harassment, stalking, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, sexual exploitation or any other form of gender- or sex-based discrimination, you can contact the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Coordinator or fill out the form. If you provide contact information on the form, someone from our office will contact you to discuss your concerns.

Report an incident by a current GRCC student or employee

If you have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking or dating violence by a current GRCC student or employee, you are entitled to specific protections under Federal law.

We have trained staff to support you through your journey and ensure that you have the full enjoyment of your rights under the law.

We will connect you with confidential resources in the community & beyond.

We will also help you make adjustments to your course load If needed and connect you with key individuals in Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, Faculty members and other so you know your options for moving forward academically.

We listen, outline your options and help you feel safe on campus.

Learn about your rights and get started with support or call: 

Lisa Thomas
Director of Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX Coordinator sends email) or sends email)
(616) 234-2353 or (616) 234-4999

Report an incident by someone who is NOT a current GRCC student or employee

If you have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking or dating violence by someone who is NOT a current GRCC student or employee, we have trained staff to support you through your journey.

We will connect you with confidential resources in the community & beyond.

We will also help you make adjustments to your course load If needed and connect you with key individuals in Financial Aid, the Registrar’s Office, Faculty members and other so you know your options for moving forward academically.

We listen, outline your options and help you feel safe on campus.

Report an incident
