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Compliance Resources

Annual Compliance Training

Topics of compliance training for employees are determined by the Ethics Team, and approved by Cabinet on an annual basis. The team chooses topics which are relevant to our work, and those which reflect training needs and requests received. The course modules are assigned and delivered through Blackboard. Each year employees are asked to complete the video training and assessments in that year's modules.

New Employee Compliance Training

All new employees are required to complete various compliance trainings that are required by law or campus policies. Details of assigned trainings are found on the HR Compliance Training document.

Compliance Resources

Campus Legal Information Clearinghouse

The Campus Legal Information Clearinghouse(link is external) (CLIC) is a collaborative effort between the American Council on Education (ACE)(link is external) and The Catholic University of America's Office of General Counsel.

CLIC's mission is to build a freely available, web-based collection of user-friendly compliance materials (such as Frequently Asked Questions, plain English explanations of the law, sample publications, videos and web tutorials from other institutions) to help all American college and university campuses enhance compliance with most major federal regulations applicable to higher education institutions.

Higher Education Compliance Alliance

The Higher Education Compliance Alliance(link is external) was created to provide the higher education community with a centralized repository of information and resources for compliance with federal laws and regulations.

A matrix of federal laws requiring compliance by colleges and universities can be found online.
