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Daily Crime Log

Daily Crime Log

This log lists all the crimes reported to the Grand Rapids Community College Police Department within the last 60 days. If you would like to see records beyond 60 days you must contact the GRCC PD at (616) 234-4010.

View the Daily Crime Log

Procedures for Managing and Maintaining the Daily Crime Log

The Grand Rapids Community College Police Department (GRCC PD) is primarily responsible for maintaining the Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) Daily Crime Log (DCL).  The Clery Compliance Specialist (CCS) or designee is tasked with adding/updating entries to the DCL.  The Chief’s administrative assistant and day shift dispatcher serve as the designated back-up to the CCS. GRCC maintains a single log for all campuses that have a security presence.

All reported crimes must be added to the DCL within 2 business days of being reported to GRCC PD by a victim, witness, perpetrator, third party, local law enforcement agency or a Campus Security Authority, including student conduct and Title IX personnel. Any changes to the incident disposition must be made within 2 business days of the change being reported to GRCC PD, provided the change occurs within 60 days of the initial report.

All criminal offenses that are reported to have occurred during a single incident will be included in the DCL entry for the incident. For example, an aggravated assault that is also an incident of domestic violence should be classified as both Aggravated Assault and Domestic Violence).  Crimes will be listed in chronological order by the date reported to GRCC PD, with the most recent crimes recorded at the bottom of the log. After an entry is made to the DCL, it can only be updated, not deleted.  If a crime is reclassified, the entry will show a strikethrough of the original crime classification and the new classification added.

Note: The crime log classification may not match the crime statistics, as the crime statistics are compiled using the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) definitions as required by the Clery Act and the crime log will include NIBRS and the State of Michigan Crimes Code definitions.

The CCS or designee shall review crime reports daily.  Entries will be made on the Google Drive “Internal Crime Log” for each crime reported to GRCC PD.  If a crime is not reported, an update will not be made to the DCL.  Entries will automatically populate the “External Crime Log” displayed on the GRCC PD website.   A hardcopy will be printed and placed in the “Crime Log” binder at Dispatch.  Staff at the Lakeshore Campus and Leslie E. Tassell M-TEC will check the GRCC Police website daily and print the DCL when they observe an update. A hard copy of the DCL will be made available for review at each separate campus where GRCC has a security/police presence (currently, there is a police or security presence at the Main/Devos, Leslie E. Tassell MTEC and the GRCC Lakeshore Campus).

Staff at each location where the log is maintained shall be trained about the existence of the log.  Staff are required to make the log available for review immediately upon request, without inquiring as to the identity of the requestor or the purpose of the review. Although the log must be provided upon request for review, GRCC is not required to provide the consumer with a printed hard copy to take away.

Crime Log Categories

Whenever a new entry is being added to the crime log, all required elements should be recorded.  These elements include:

  • Date Reported: Enter a crime into the log by the date it was reported to the Grand Rapids Community College Police Department. A reported crime must be logged regardless of how much time has passed since it occurred. 
  • Date and Time: Enter the date and the time that the crime occurred. If the exact date and time are not known, use a range or indicate that it is unknown. Make every effort to determine the range.
  • Campus: There are three Separate Campus locations.  Leslie E. Tassell MTEC, GRCC Lakeshore and the Main/Devos Campus.  All crimes occurring at each location should be reported to the Grand Rapids Community College Police Department.
  • Location: Enter the general location of the crime using a description that will mean something to the campus community, such as the building name. If the building does not have a name, use the address. If it occurs outside of the Grand Rapids Community College facility on the public street, use the street name. If it happens outside in an area without a name, use a general description of the location such as “Outside the NW Corner of BUILDING NAME.”
  • Disposition: Enter the disposition name as listed in bold text on the Crime Log Disposition Definitions section.

Note: According to Federal Law, an institution may withhold any of the required fields of entry, i.e., the nature, date, time, location and/or disposition, if any of the following conditions apply:

  1. The disclosure is prohibited by law;
  2. If disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim; 
  3. If disclosure would jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual; 
  4. If disclosure would cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or
  5. If disclosure would result in the destruction of evidence. 

Campus Locations

Leslie E. Tassell MTECGrand Rapids
Main/Devos CampusGrand Rapids
GRCC Lakeshore CampusHolland

Crime Log Dispositions

The following is an explanation of the terminology used to complete the Disposition section of the Crime Log:

  • Open:  The case is currently being investigated by the Grand Rapids Community College Police Department.
  • Closed. Unfounded:  The case is determined through investigation to be false or baseless.  No offense occurred nor was attempted.
  • ClosedConduct Referral: The case has been forwarded to the Office of Student Life and Conduct. That office is responsible for reviewing the case and for determining whether or not the student(s) involved will be charged with a violation(s) of the Grand Rapids Community College Student Code of Conduct.
  • Closed. Victim Declined to Cooperate:  The victim decided not to press charges or follow through with criminal process.
  • Closed.  Arrested:  The subject(s) has been arrested by either Grand Rapids Community College Police Department or the appropriate local law enforcement agency.
  • Closed. No suspects or witnesses:  Case has no solvability.
  • Closed. Reclassified:  The original incident report classification has been changed to accurately reflect the appropriate classification, based on the results of the investigation.
  • Closed. No further action:  No further investigative action is required or lack of investigative leads.
  • Closed. Civil Citation: City municipal civil infraction, or other civil infraction issued.
  • Closed Warrant Denied: The case was presented to the prosecutor or city attorney who review the facts and did not issue a warrant.
  • Closed. Warrant Obtained: The case is referred to the prosecutor’s or city attorney’s office and a warrant was authorized.  Subject is not yet in custody.  Warrant in LEIN/NCIC.