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Resume/Interviewing Assistance

Student Employment Services provides employment support for current and former GRCC students.  We are happy to assist you with Resumes, Cover Letters, References and Interview Prep. 

Resume/Interviewing Assistance:

  •  Assistance is available with ResumesReference lists, Cover letters and Thank you notes. Remember a sharp cover letter and resume is your ticket to an interview.
  • Interview Preparation - Different employers interview in different ways. You may interview face-to-face with one person or several people, over the phone or via Webcam. A first interview with a human resources representative is often used to pre-screen candidates to determine if they are qualified for the position.  This can be by phone, skype or in person.  A second interview often takes place with a hiring manager. This interview may include the same questions asked during pre-screening or more in-depth questions to define your fit for the position.

Schedule an appointment

If you need additional assistance, please contact sends email).
