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President's List and Dean's List

President's List

The President's List is compiled for the fall and winter semesters and summer session. Full-time and part-time students in good academic standing who complete six or more credit hours with a 4.000 Term GPA are eligible. A grade of "I" will disqualify students. This honor is effective beginning fall 2011 and is not retroactive. A student will not be named to both lists. Students on the President's List will be notified through their GRCC email account. The email will contain an electronic letter and certificate for the student to print and archive. Honor to be awarded to summer session beginning 2012 and is not retroactive.

Dean's List

The Dean's List is compiled for the fall and winter semesters and summer session. Full-time and part-time students in good academic standing and completing six or more credit hours with a minimum 3.500 to 3.999 Term GPA are eligible. A grade of "I" will disqualify students. No application is required. Grades are reviewed at the end of each semester and students on the Dean's List will be notified through their GRCC email account. The email will contain an electronic letter and certificate for the student to print and archive. Honor to be awarded to summer session beginning 2012 and is not retroactive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by "good academic standing?"

Please refer to the Academic Standing Policy.

Does the 3.500 GPA for the Dean's List and 4.000 GPA for the President's List apply to the current semester or overall?

Current Semester (Term GPA)

How many credits must I be carrying to be eligible?

At least six credit hours.

Do the six or more credits I am carrying have to be in my major for me to be considered for the Dean's List?


Must I apply to be considered for the President's List or Dean's List?


If I have an E on my transcript from a previous semester, am I still eligible for the Dean's List?

Yes, as long as the student is in good standing they are eligible for the current semester.

If I am on Academic Probation, but still meet the minimum GPA for the semester, can I still be named to the Dean's list?


Is the President's List and Dean's List published?

Yes. It is published in PDF format on this page.

How can I request that GRCC contact my local newspaper to announce my President's List or Dean's List recognition?

Students are encouraged to contact their local newspaper on their own. GRCC does not notify the news media.

How and when am I notified that I have made the President's List or Dean's List?

After all grades are posted for the semester, a PDF file of the letter and certificate are sent to the student's GRCC email account.
