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Final Exam Schedule

Please review the Final Exam Schedule for the dates and times of your exams.

Exams will be held in the regularly assigned room at the time indicated unless the appropriate Dean has approved a change in the time and/or place. Copies of any changes must be provided to the Department Head/Program Director and the appropriate academic secretary. If separate laboratory exams are to be given, they will be scheduled in advance of the regular exam period.

  • Applied music exams are held according to a scheduled prearranged by the Music Department.
  • Classes meeting one day per week on Fridays for 120 minutes or longer, or classes meeting in a condensed format (7-week, 10-week, etc.) will conduct the exam on the last regularly scheduled class day.

*Classes that end prior to 5 p.m. are day classes and are to follow this exam schedule. Classes that end after 5 p.m. are considered evening classes, and final exams are held on the last night of scheduled class.
