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Disability Support FAQs

Do I have to disclose my disability to anyone at GRCC?

You are not required to disclose your disability to the college. However, if you want to receive academic accommodations, and/or auxiliary aids you must identify yourself to the Disability Support Services Office and provide documentation of disability. Accommodations do not apply retroactively and grades will not be changed for work completed before DSS eligibility was established.

Is the process different from high school?

Yes. The laws that apply to K-12 are different than those applicable to post-secondary institutions. K-12 schools must identify and provide remediation to students with disabilities. Post-secondary schools are only required to provide equal access and accommodations may be different at the college level. In general, the burden of responsibility shifts from the K-12 school to the individual college student. College students must contact Disability Support Services, prove eligibility and make their needs known.

Is there a charge for Disability Support Services?

Students are not charged for academic accommodations necessary because of a disability.

Does GRCC provide attendant care or transportation?

No. Students are responsible for self-care and transportation. Post-secondary institutions are not required to provide personal and individually prescribed devices or services of a personal nature.

When should I submit my documentation?

The sooner, the better, as documentation may need review, clarification, or additional information. Students are encouraged to initiate the process as early as possible after they are admitted to GRCC.

Is it ever too late to request accommodations?

A student may begin the documentation process to request accommodations at any time. However, as stated previously, accommodations will not be provided retroactively and grades will not be changed after a student is approved for accommodations. Students will have to abide by certain timelines depending on the type of accommodation needed. Not all accommodations can be implemented immediately.

I received different or more accommodations at my last school than GRCC is allowing me. Why is there a difference?

High schools often offer services and accommodations meant to help ensure a student's success. At college, the governing laws simply require that an institution not discriminate against a student with a disability and provide access to curriculum. There are no IEP's or 504 Plans in college therefore services may be quite different from high school.

Services may also differ between colleges. Different colleges have different philosophies on accommodations. If you have been denied an accommodation you received at a previous school, here are some possible reasons:

  • Documentation does not meet the college's guidelines
  • The accommodation is in conflict with the academic policies of the college or school
  • The accommodation would fundamentally alter the program, course, or activity
  • Documentation does not support the requested accommodation
  • Providing the accommodation would pose a direct threat to other students or staff
  • Providing the accommodation would constitute an undue financial or administrative burden to the college

Do I have to use all of my accommodations in every class?

No, not all accommodations are necessary or appropriate in every class. If you choose not to use an accommodation in a particular class, you will not be given the chance to make up the work with accommodations at a later date

Can I request an accommodation directly from my professor without first meeting with Disability Support Services?

No, all accommodations must first be approved by Disability Support Services. Individual instructors have no obligation to accommodate you until you are approved by DSS.

Who informs my instructors about my accommodations?

You do. You are responsible for sharing your accommodations agreement with your instructors.

What if a professor refuses to provide an accommodation listed on my accommodations agreement?

Contact the Disability Support Services office as soon as possible to resolve the situation. Avoid arguing with the instructor over why you were not accommodated. We are here to help you with these conversations and to help solve concerns.
