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Instructions for Testing Accommodations

1. Please be sure to request your Accommodations each semester through Clockwork Student Accommodation Portal.  This will provide your instructor a copy of your Accommodation Agreement directly to them.

2. Login to the Clockwork Student Accommodation Portal to schedule your upcoming test.  

3. Schedule your upcoming tests at least 3 business days before your upcoming test.  Schedule your final exams 7 business days prior to your exam date.

4. Remember to plan for your extended time accommodation when you schedule your test.

Testing Formats

On-Campus Proctoring: Tests completed in person at the Disability Testing Center, Student Center Building, Room 358.  

Virtual Test Proctoring: Tests completed using Zoom with live monitoring by a member of the DSS Testing Staff. Requires access to a webcam, low distraction testing environment of your choice.

Do not wait to get help!

We can help you with questions about how to fill out your Test Requests in Clockwork. Do not wait to get help! Testing space is limited and it takes time to obtain tests and exams from your professors.

For further questions, please call the DSS Testing Center at (616) 234-3597.

Instructions for Testing Accommodations

Faculty and students are welcome to review this guide about implementing testing accommodations.

Student may schedule tests and/or quizzes with Disability Testing

Students and faculty have the opportunity to use the DSS Testing Center proctoring/accommodation services for tests and quizzes. This allows students to use Clockwork for scheduling tests and quizzes at the DSS Testing Center. 

Extended time

At the DSS Testing Center:

  • DSS Testing Center staff will adjust classroom test time according to approved accommodation
  • Faculty will indicate in testing instructions the time provided in class for any test or quiz
  • Computer based tests (e.g. Canvas) may need faculty to adjust time based on approved accommodation
  • Students should schedule their test appointment with time extension in mind

Computer Based/On-Line Tests:

  • Time adjustments should be made based on approved accommodation

Low distraction

A low distraction room may be a room with other testers, which is intentionally less distracting than the classroom environment.

Students with this accommodation should be prepared to test with other students. 

Private space

A private space promises a room with only one student testing inside.

Students with this accommodation should be prepared to test in one of the private testing spaces inside the DSS Testing Center or in a location that is secured when these spaces are full.

During finals, we may need to secure a private space near your classroom.


DSS Testing Computers have multiple programs that will read aloud a test or online content to a student.

Programs include Read and Write Gold, Microsoft Word Read Aloud, JAWS, and NVDA. Read and Write by Texthelp is our most commonly used.

Here is a document that can help you practice using RWG for your test: Accessing RWG for Students.

Instructors should ensure a digitally accessible document version of a test or exam is provided for this accommodation. 


DSS Testing computers have multiple programs that will type out spoken content from a student. Programs include voice typing within Google Docs, Read and Write by Texthelp, and Microsoft Word Dictation.

Instructors should ensure a digitally accessible document version of a test or exam is provided for this accommodation.

Personal assistant (Scribe, Human Reader ASL Interpreter)

DSS Testing provides a trained proctor who will write down or type out your answers to questions on tests, 
who will read aloud questions on tests or an ASL interpreter for tests with an audio component.

Instructors and Students should watch for communication from DSS Testing regarding the possible need for Scheduling Flexibility. 

Ability to listen to pre-approved music for duration of test appointment

Students with this accommodation may bring in their own music or borrow DSS Testing’s music to listen to during a test. Our Team will email you with detailed instructions, once we see a test request including this accommodation.

Miscellaneous accommodations

More unique accommodations may be needed for your testing experience. If your accommodation is not listed above, your counselor will build a plan with our team at DSS Testing and your instructor. 

Depending on the accommodation we may need flexibility from both instructor and student. There may be a need for extra communication to plan testing appointments.  

Additional info

If you would like to update or change your accommodations visit Navigate to schedule an appointment with your counselor.

We always appreciate proactive questions about accommodations. Feel free to contact us anytime.
