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Student Responsibilities for Tutoring

  1. Attendance Policy: If you are going to be late or absent, contact your tutor. If you're unable to reach your tutor, contact the tutoring office at (616) 234-4145; we will forward the message. If there is no attempt to call in an absence, it will be counted as unexcused. Being late will only cut into your own tutoring time and your tutor will not be expected to stay past the regular meeting time.
    • After Two Unexcused Absences for Tutoring, Students Will Be Dropped From the Program. The tutor's time is very valuable to him/her and we want to make sure this time is used effectively. Please be considerate in notifying them if you are unable to attend or decide you do not need tutoring . We generally have a waiting list in some courses and have other students that are anxiously waiting to be assigned.
  2. Attend Class Regularly. Tutoring is designed to supplement class instruction, not to replace it.
  3. Come Prepared. Bring your textbook, notes, and assignment sheets with you. Read your assignments and do your best to work through your homework problems before your tutoring session.
  4. Do Not Ask Tutors to Do Your Homework, Proofread Your Assignments or Assist in Any Way with Take-Home Exams. Tutors can help clarify assignments, identify skills needed to complete assignments, and give examples similar to course work.
  5. Understand That Tutors Are Not Teachers. Teaching provides students with new information; tutoring helps the student master that information by providing alternate explanations, techniques, and examples. Tutors cannot substitute for attending class.
  6. Do Not Expect Tutors to Know Everything. Please remember that tutors are students like you who have mastered specific course content with a specific instructor. They are not expected to have the level of experience of your professor.
  7. Use Tutoring Services Efficiently. You will benefit more from tutoring if you come when you first begin having problems. If you wait until the last minute, you may not be able to master the material in time to succeed on tests and assignments.
  8. Ask Questions When Something Is Unclear. If you remain silent, the tutor may assume you understand. Tutors have learned many ways to explain a single concept, so continue to ask questions until the material is clear for you.
  9. Complete and turn in a Student Evaluation of Tutoring Sessions twice a semester.
  10. Complete a Tutor Absence Form if your tutor does not attend a scheduled tutoring session.