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Celebrating our campus leaders

The Student Leadership Awards ceremony is an annual event that recognizes students for outstanding leadership and contributions through a variety of awards that are presented. All students and advisors of student organizations are encouraged to attend. 

Nomination information

Do you know of students, organizations or advisors that are deserving of recognition? 

There are five awards that we recognize students with annually and one award for a Student Organization Advisor. Those include:

Brian Kloet Campus Involvement Award

  • Student must have been enrolled during the 22-23 academic year
  • Have been active and involved in student activities
  • Have established a cross-college interest in campus life and has been helpful in promoting the overall
  • College experience through outstanding citizenship
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75

Benham Service and Civic Engagement Award 

  • Student must have been enrolled during the 22-23 academic school year
  • Have been active, involved, and shown leadership in service and civic engagement initiatives
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award

  • Student must have been enrolled during the 22-23 academic school year
  • Exemplify the spirit of Martin Luther King through community involvement and campus life
  • Seek to bring about change by promoting the philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Cedric and Sandy Ward Leadership Award

  • Student must have been enrolled during the 22-23 academic school year
  • Demonstrate outstanding leadership skills throughout the community or College
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50

Richard W. Calkins Presidential Leadership Award

  • Recipients will have demonstrated notable leadership on campus through Student Organizations, Student Government, Music, Theater, or Athletics
  • Candidates will have created an improved collegiate experience through personal involvement in campus activities

Jerry Benham Award for Student Organization Advisor

  • Must be a current GRCC staff/faculty student organization advisor
  • Actively support students and act as a mentor and role model for leadership development
  • Be willing to give time and human resources selflessly
  • Be an advocate for students
  • Project a positive attitude and image towards students and other GRCC community members
  • Develop and encourage students' thoughts and ideas
  • Not have involvement in student activities as a part of the person's job description
  • Not receive this award in consecutive years

Additional awards recognized

Student Organization Awards

To acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of student organizations that have enriched our campus community through a variety of mediums. 

  • Student Organization of the Year
  • Project, Event or Program or the Year
  • New Student Organization of the Year

Award nominations

Submit your nominations now until February 29. 

Submit nomination


Contact Ashley Fox at
