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Who can make a referral to BIT?

Anyone!  We are only as effective as the referrals we receive.  Anyone (students, employees, parents, community members, etc.) who feels there is a potential threat to the community or an individual should make a referral.

How do I make a referral?

If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, please stop and call campus police at (616) 234-4911 or 911 immediately. If the concern is non-emergent, visit the BIT referral form.

What happens when I make a referral?

The BIT will review the referral, gather additional information as needed, and, using the Threat Assessment Model created by the National Behavioral Intervention Team Association, determine what level of threat, if any, is present. The team will then select interventions to correspond to the nature of the concern and assessed threat level. If a threat exists, we will likely choose to meet with the student(s)/employee(s).  Other interventions could include documenting and monitoring, referrals to campus and community resources, Student Conduct and/or GRCC Police involvement, etc.

Can I make anonymous referrals?

Yes, though we prefer to know the reporter's name in case we have further questions to clarify the referral received.

What if the person retaliates against me if I make a referral?

GRCC has a strict policy against retaliation and will inform all persons of that policy throughout the process in order to keep everyone safe and secure. If you experience retaliation, please let the BIT know this as well. 

What if someone makes a referral about me?

In addition to the safety of the GRCC community, it is also important to us that we demonstrate genuine care and concern to all parties involved, including the person who the referral is about. We want to make sure you're safe, help you get connected to the right resources and support your academic goals. 

How do I know if BIT is the correct place for my referral?

Better to be safe than sorry. If you're not sure, refer it to us. We will determine if we are the correct place and, if not, will forward it to the correct person/team accordingly. If your concern involves an immediate safety risk to self or others, please stop and call campus police at (616) 234-4911 or 911 immediately.
