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Frequently Asked Questions On Transferring

Forms and Processes

What do I have to do to change my major (curriculum code) or go from personal interest to degree seeking??

Follow the Declaration of Academic Program steps. If you are pursuing a GRCC Health Program, complete the Health Admissions Application. If you receive an error message, please contact sends email) 

Transfer Information FAQs

Frequently asked transfer information

When should I apply to the school I intend to transfer to? Is my GPA high enough?

Contact the admissions office at your school of choice (see transfer schools(link is external)) for:

  • application deadlines
  • minimum GPA requirements
  • scholarship information.

You can also meet with an academic advisor or learn more about the transfer process online.

I am going to transfer to an out-of-state school. What courses should I take?

Contact your school of choice and ask them for a catalog and information for transfer students. Then make an appointment with an academic advisor to develop a curriculum plan.

I don't know what I am going to major in or if I am going to transfer. How do I know what courses to take?

You have many options to discover an academic or career path that's right for you. We have many tools that offer self-assessments, and our counselors can also help you determine where to begin based on your areas of interests and passions.

See more about exploring your academic and career options.

Academic Advising FAQs

Frequently asked advising information

How do I calculate my GPA?

There is an online GPA Calculator available to help you calculate your GPA.

What is an Academic Pathway?

We have 12 Academic Pathways Associate of Arts degrees that can be earned. These pathways are designed to help students complete their degree their area of interest. Within each pathway are specific programs that you can choose depending on academic and career goals and transfer plans.  

Do I have to sign up for Financial Aid every year?

Yes, you must apply for financial aid every year. The academic year runs from the fall-summer semester. You can apply any time during the year for financial aid but, it is suggested you apply before March 1 for the upcoming year. 

Visit Financial Aid for more information.

How do I check my Financial Aid?

Log into your Online Center and click on the My Financial Aid tile.   

What do I do if I want to drop a class?

First, you should talk to your instructor. For additional help, talk to an advisor or success coach for your alternatives, like tutoring.

Classes can be dropped through your Online CenterBefore you drop a class, check with financial aid and be aware of deadlines, implications and possible results.

If I stop going to class, the class will be dropped, right?

No, if a course is still on your schedule, you must log into your Online Center to drop the course. The only exception to this rule is our attendance policy, where you may be dropped (DR) from a course due to not attending. 

Can I take all online classes?

It depends on many factors:  

  • Your learning style.
  • time management.
  • academic program.

Check out: What's it like to learn online? and talk to your academic advisor regarding online learning.

I took classes there 20 years ago. Are my credits still good?

Yes, once you receive credit for a class, that credit will continue to exist. Specific departments and programs do have time constraints. Check with your academic department.

I have been told I need to be a full-time student taking at least 12 credits. Is this true?

Students, for certain reasons, like financial aid requirements or coverage under their parent’s health insurance, may need to have at least twelve credits Fall and Winter semesters. Students need to inquire at the source to find out the reasons behind the need for full-time status.

Full-time, 12 credits, over the summer seems like an awful lot. How am I supposed to cope?

Full-time is considered 12 credits regardless of the semester.

I know the program I want to do. How do I find out what courses I need to take?

To start with, the catalog and transfer guide contain curriculums for our 2-year programs and suggested transfer curriculums for 4-year institutions. Make an appointment with an advisor at the AATC at main campus or Lakeshore campus.

Is there anything I should do to prepare for my advising appointment?

Yes! Please prepare to meet with an advisor and bring the necessary documents.

I haven't gone to college before. Do classes work like in high school?

No, we allow you to build a schedule that works around your availability. We offer classes during:

  • Weekdays.
  • Weeknights.
  • Weekends.

There are also online courses and hybrid. Take what you want to take (as long as you have the prerequisite courses, if needed). You don't have to take an early morning class if that doesn't work for you. Typically, a full-time student who isn't working takes four or five classes a semester.

I work. I need to figure out how much time I need to have available for school. How do I figure this out?

You need to be in class for as many hours a week as the amount of contact hours you are registered for. 

If your class meets twice a week for 90 minutes (1.5 hrs x 2 = 3 hrs per week in class), you should allow 2-3 hours of homework per hour per week you are in class; per week (3 x 2 = 6 hrs to study for the one class). Typically, a non-lab class will meet the hours per week of the designated credit hours, but not always. As a quick calculation, if you are taking 15 credit hours, you should assume you'll have 30-45 hours of study time needed.

I want to get done fast. Isn't it a good idea to take as many courses as possible a semester?

No! Look at it this way, if you rush to get done and have to drop classes on the way or get poor grades, it will take as long to get done as if you took your time and did well without having to repeat. Also, since transferring to another school can be competitive, you need to get good grades!

I need to talk to a counselor about a personal problem. Can I do that?

Yes! We offer free, confidential counseling for all students. 

Make an appointment for counseling, and let the office personnel know that you would like a “personal counseling appointment”. All the counselors in the Counseling and Career Development department are licensed counselors and have experience with personal as well as academic issues.

I'm almost finished with my degree. Is there anything I need to do?

Yes! You will need to submit a Graduation Application  to the Student Records Office the semester you intend to graduate (or the semester before) after you have verified that all requirements will be met.

Submission deadlines for each semester are posted on the Graduation Application. Be advised that there are alternate Graduation Application deadlines related to campus activities such as being considered for Delta Pi Alpha and being published in the Commencement Program. If you are planning to transfer to another college or university, you will also need to complete an application for your transfer school. 
