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Physical Sciences Scholarships

Several scholarships are available for students enrolled in and/or intending to major in chemistry, physics, geology, engineering, or science education. The scholarship applications are available in October of each year. The application deadline is Thursday, November 7, 2024 and decisions are made in December.

To apply for any of these scholarships, please submit your application below, including a 300-word essay and a copy of your current GRCC transcript by Nov. 7. Your 300-word minimum (500-word maximum) essay must address your career goals and how science and science courses play a role in meeting your career goals. As part of this essay be sure to discuss your future science coursework, the degree(s) you intend to pursue, and the career/profession/job that you seek. If you have questions please contact Dr. Liburd (at (616) 234-3547 or email sends email)) or any of the contact persons for the scholarships.

Scholarship Opportunities

Physical Sciences Faculty Scholarship

These scholarships were established by the Physical Science Faculty to aid GRCC students who plan to study in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. This fund is available to full-time students with a 2.8 or above GPA who are currently enrolled in Physical Science courses.

Albertus Elve, Roger DeVries, and Joseph Hesse III Scholarship

Two scholarships will be awarded from this fund:

  • Chemistry Scholarship - The Elve-DeVries Chemistry Scholarship is awarded to a full-time or part-time student enrolled in Chemistry.
  • Teachers of Tomorrow - This scholarship is to be awarded to a prospective elementary or secondary science teacher. Preference will be given to future chemistry teachers and elementary science teachers. Applicants must have completed a minimum of one semester of college work with a grade point of 2.8 or higher, and be a full-time or part-time student.

Physics/Engineering Scholarship

Selection will be based on academic record. The recipient(s) will be a full-time freshman or sophomore student enrolled in pre-engineering course with a grade point average of 3.0 or above.

Richard Wherity Chemistry Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has shown a talent for and dedication to the study of chemistry and has attained a 3.0 GPA. This award is renewable for an additional year based on recommendation of the department scholarship committee.

Women In Science Education Scholarship

The Women in Science Scholarships will be awarded annually to a sophomore woman who has demonstrated excellence in the study of biology, chemistry, geology or physics. Recipients must intend to continue their education working towards a career in one of these areas of science or science education. A minimum 3.0 GPA in the applicant's freshman year at GRCC is required. Applicants must submit a statement of career intent and a GRCC transcript that shows progress in the study of science. Please note that this scholarship may be awarded during the Winter semester rather than during the Fall semester. For more information, please contact Jennifer Batten at sends email)

LJK Stem Scholarship

This scholarship was established to aid GRCC students who plan to study in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. This fund is available to full-time, Pell Grant eligible second-year students with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the past 2 semesters.

Physical Sciences Scholarship Application
