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Fellowships, Internships and Learning Opportunities

Engage in new learning experiences by applying for a fellowship, internship or award. Programs are offered throughout the year - check back for new additions! These funded learning opportunities are open to any GRCC student. 

2024-2025 Opportunities

Join us for a virtual Information Session to learn more about the following programs.

Wednesday, January 15 - 5:30 p.m.

Join the virtual Information Session

Community College Summer Fellowship Program (CCSFP) - application open!

The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) at the University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor offers a 10-week paid State-Wide Summer Fellowship for currently enrolled Michigan community college students who are interested in continuing their academics at a four-year university. Learn on site in Ann Arbor, or virtually and earn between $3K-$7K (including a housing stipend if needed). Gain research experience, meet other students and professors and build your academic skills! 

Please note: Research projects are available in all fields including: Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences, Natural & Environmental Sciences and more!

The program seeks to attract a diverse student population, including women and historically underrepresented students, first generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds and veterans. No prior research experience necessary to be in this program! Summer 2025 program runs May 27 - August 1.

We are hosting virtual information session on Tuesdays @ 5 p.m. EDT 

Zoom Link for info session on Jan. 14.

Apply for Summer 2025 CCSFP

Culture Corps - application open!

Culture Corps is an internship placement program that engages and serves all partners: college students interested in the arts, local arts and culture organizations and the organizers of the Culture Corps program. It has two components: a mini-course and a paid internship at an arts and culture organization for the Spring and Summer 2025. 

If you are interested in the arts, then Culture Corps is for you. You do not need to be an arts-related major, but interested in working with the organization in marketing, fund raising, mentoring, event planning, design, or another area of interest.

What will you get from Culture Corps? 

  • Attend a mini session at GRCC to prepare for your placement
  • A guaranteed paid ($18/hr) internship placement for at least 20 hours a week during the summer
  • Funding for transportation and other expenses related to being a student intern
  • Networking opportunities with peer cohort and professionals 
  • Mentoring support from Culture Corps program lead over the course of the internship

Apply for Culture Corps!

GLACE (Great Lakes Arts, Cultures, and Environments) - application open!

The GLACE (Great Lakes Arts, Cultures, and Environments) fellowship offers GRCC students an opportunity to earn U-M credit this summer through a fully-funded, four-week program in July while living in Northern Michigan at the UMBS.

  • Faculty teach interconnected, two-credit courses in topics such as in English, Anthropology, History, or American Culture.
  • Students explore concepts such as place, natural history and cultural identity through texts and in hands-on ways, with the local landscape and its inhabitants, ecologies and histories.
  • Application open to any GRCC student.

Apply for GLACE Summer 2025!

Community Leadership Fellows

The Community Leadership Fellows program will be open to GRCC students, providing an opportunity to apply their existing leadership experience, community-based work, and classroom learning to a real-world internship experience. Fellows to be placed for the 2025-26 academic year and will be awarded a $5,000 stipend distributed over the year (~September - April).

Time Commitment: Each fellow commits to 8-10 hours a week for both the Fall and Winter semesters, consisting of the following:

  • ~8 hours of work each week with a local nonprofit organization, school, or government agency
  • ~2 hours spent in monthly cohort meetings
  • ~1 hours spent in monthly check-ins (for individual coaching and mentorship)  

Application: Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year will open in February, 2025. 

Jesse Carr, an Assistant Director at the Ginsberg Center, manages the CLF program. If you have any questions about the program or want to discuss your application, you can reach Jesse at, or use this link to set up a virtual meeting

Find out more about Community Leadership Fellows!

optiMize moMentum Fellowship

Are you a community college student interested in transferring to the University of Michigan? Do you care about creating a positive social impact? Do you want to get $500 for a two-day hybrid program that introduces you to U-M's most socially-engaged students, staff and faculty? 

Apply to the moMentum Fellowship!

What is the moMentum fellowship?

Every summer optiMize offers a $500 paid, two-day summer fellowship for prospective transfer students to connect them with the University of Michigan’s campus resources and turn ideas into impact. Over the course of these two days, students will engage with other community college students, optiMize moMentum Fellows and U-M campus partners. 

  • Students participating both days will be awarded a $500 stipend. 
  • Led by U-M student leaders who transferred from community colleges.
  • Transportation to Ann Arbor and meals provided.

 Application for summer 2025 opens February 2025

Community College Summer Institute (CCSI) 

CCSI at the School of Information at the University of Michigan welcomes community college students from all study backgrounds and experiences to spend 3 days at the Ann Arbor campus exploring the field of information science and U-M. During this free institute, students will participate in sessions targeting topics in the field of information, admissions and personal strengths. Who can attend? All community college students are welcomed! The program is a great fit for:

  • students looking to explore the University of Michigan and the field of information.
  • students that are interested in social justice and the intersection of technology and human interaction. 
  • students of all backgrounds and majors.  

What are the benefits of attending? Students, who complete the 3-day institute, will receive a transfer ready certificate, a stipend and priority consideration for admissions. 

Contact Sandra Lopez, DEI Outreach Coordinator

Application for Summer 2025 opens January 2025

Campus Impact Fellows 

The Campus Impact Fellowship (CIF) is a paid role provided for specific, hands-on contributions to the campus community which align with a student's academic interest. This mutually beneficial fellowship serves to provide students with experiential skills for college success, direct support from a professional mentor and impact on the campus community during the fall and winter semesters. This year the CIFs will be placed in the Library, Woodrick Center, Communications and Student Life.

Through the duration of the Campus Impact Fellowship, students will work with a mentor/supervisor to decide the best times/hours to meet, the primary goals and objectives of each fellowship and how the student plans to present their experience at the end of their Fellowship. 

Applications are now closed.

*Opportunities may be dependent on other criteria, including age (18+) and earned H.S. degree or equivalent.
