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College-Sponsored Student Travel

College-Sponsored Student Travel Policy

GRCC provides opportunities for employees to create and/or provide access to experiences which require students to be off campus. The College Sponsored Student Travel policy and procedures are designed to support employees in the development and facilitation of these experiences.  Examples of these experiences include, but not limited to, specialized athletic team trainings, culinary competitions, class trips, field trips, recognized student organization and club travel, service learning and study away.

Employees seeking assistance are encouraged to contact Michael Schavey, Director of Experiential Learning at (616) 234-4180 or  You may also set up a virtual meeting.

General Employee Travel Procedures

All College Sponsored Student Travel experiences must be facilitated in accordance to the guidelines, practices and procedures detailed in the Guiding Risk and Liability Practices and Procedures. College stakeholders should pay careful attention to submission deadlines, compliance to other College policies, submission of required documents and other procedures that impact your desired travel experience.

Approval of your travel experience is initiated through the Leave of Absence (LOA) form.  This form is designed to capture all of the essential information of your travel experience to ensure proper parties are aware and prepared to approve your proposed travel experience.

Items to complete before your submission

For an efficient approval process, please complete the following items prior to your submission:

  • Inform your supervisor regarding this travel experience.
  • If your travel experience requires an overnight stay, contact the Clery Compliance Officer, Robin Graves at to be sure you have been trained as a Campus Security Authority (CSA).  
  • Review the following policies: 
  • Gather these following details: 
    • travel date(s)
    • trip location(s) and a description of the vetting process of the location(s)
    • number of students participating
    • anticipated student and/or employee expenses
    • the course(s) and section number(s) (if class trip)
    • a description of how the trip will meet course outcomes (if class trip)

Finally, upon supervisor approval of your LOA request, you will be asked to collect and submit a range of Student Risk Management forms including but not limited to:

*All students traveling must be currently enrolled GRCC students.

Trip Specific Travel Procedures

In addition to the General Employee Travel Procedures, employees will also follow procedures specific to the "type" of travel experience.  

Athletic Travel Procedures

Definition of Athletic Travel

Athletic travel are those travel experiences outside of the traditional team schedule.  

Employee Procedures 

  • Inform your supervisor well in advance to ensure you have support to coordinate the travel experience.
  • Submit the Leave of Absence form well in advance of your travel experience. 
  • Upon approval, begin to collaborate with college staff to secure the logistics of your travel experience.
  • Begin to collect required students' risk management documents.
    • Risk and Release Form
    • Emergency Contact Form
    • Health Information Form (if overnight)
    • Health Insurance Coverage Certification Form (if overnight)
  • One week prior to departure, submit all documents to the Department of Experiential Learning along with your:
    • final itinerary
    • list of travelers
    • and the GRCC Off-Campus Student Travel Form

Please note: forms are located in the "Items to complete before your submission" section.

Class Trip Procedures

Definition of a Class Trip:

A travel experience as part of a course specifically designed to allow students to deepen their learning.  Structured time off-campus is guided by learning outcomes and is during, or in place of, regularly scheduled class time.  

Employee Procedures 

  • Inform your supervisor well in advance to ensure you have support to coordinate the travel experience.
  • Submit the Leave of Absence form well in advance of your travel experience.   The form will ask you to articulate the following:
    • the course(s) and section number(s) (if part of a course)
    • travel date(s),
    • trip location(s) and a description of the vetting process,
    • number of students participating,
    • student and employee costs, as well as a general ledger account number, to be used for reimbursements,
    • a description of how the trip will meet course outcomes 
  • Information must be included within the course syllabus including date, time, locations, means of transportation and any fees for which the student is responsible for as well as any expectations around behavior and consequences for not meeting expectations.
  • Upon approval, begin to collaborate with college staff to secure the logistics of your travel experience.
  • Begin to collect required students' risk management documents.
    • Risk and Release Form
    • Emergency Contact Form
    • Health Information Form (if overnight)
    • Health Insurance Coverage Certification Form (if overnight)
  • One week prior to departure, submit all documents to the Department of Experiential Learning along with your:
    • final itinerary
    • list of travelers
    • and the GRCC Off-Campus Student Travel Form

Please note: forms are located in the "Items to complete before your submission" section.

Field Trip Procedures

Definition of a Field Trip:

A travel experience designed to gain first-hand knowledge while enhancing the overall college experience (non-course travel).

Employee Procedures 

  • Inform your supervisor well in advance to ensure you have support to coordinate the travel experience.
  • Submit the Leave of Absence form well in advance of your travel experience.   
  • Upon approval, begin to collaborate with college staff to secure the logistics of your travel experience.
  • Begin to collect required students' risk management documents.
    • Risk and Release Form
    • Emergency Contact Form
    • Health Information Form (if overnight)
    • Health Insurance Coverage Certification Form (if overnight)
  • One week prior to departure, submit all documents to the Department of Experiential Learning along with your:
    • final itinerary
    • list of travelers
    • and the GRCC Off-Campus Student Travel Form

Please note: forms are located in the "Items to complete before your submission" section.

Recognized Student Organization and/or Club Travel Procedures


A travel experience designed for recognized student organizations or clubs to further enrich the organization or club experience. 

Employee Procedures 

  • Inform your supervisor and Student Life staff well in advance to ensure you have support to coordinate the travel experience.
  • Submit the Leave of Absence form well in advance of your travel experience.   
  • Upon approval, begin to collaborate with college staff to secure the logistics of your travel experience.
  • Begin to collect required students' risk management documents.
    • Risk and Release Form
    • Emergency Contact Form
    • Health Information Form (if overnight)
    • Health Insurance Coverage Certification Form (if overnight)
  • One week prior to departure, submit all documents to the Department of Experiential Learning along with your:
    • final itinerary
    • list of travelers
    • and the GRCC Off-Campus Student Travel Form

Please note: forms are located in the "Items to complete before your submission" section.

Service Learning


As part of a course, students complete a service hours (direct or in-direct) which aligns to course learning outcomes.  Travel may occur during and/or outside of the scheduled class period.

Employee Procedures 

  • Faculty will submit the Service Learning Faculty Registration Form. This form allows faculty to describe how the service experience meets course outcomes.
  • If your service experience requires you to be off campus, you will need to inform your supervisor of your service learning experience and submit the Leave of Absence form well in advance of your travel experience.   The form will ask you to articulate the following:
    • the course(s) and section number(s) (if part of a course)
    • travel date(s),
    • trip location(s) and a description of the vetting process,
    • number of students participating,
    • student and employee costs, as well as a general ledger account number, to be used for reimbursements,
    • a description of how the trip will meet course outcomes 
  • Information must be included within the course syllabus including date, time, locations, means of transportation and any fees for which the student is responsible for as well as any expectations around behavior and consequences for not meeting expectations.
  • Upon approval, begin to collaborate with college staff to secure the logistics of your travel experience.
  • Prior to students performing their service hours, students must submit the Student Service Learning Registration Form

Study Away


An extensive travel experience where students are required to travel nationally or internationally as part of a course, typically between 10-14 days. 

Employee Procedures 

  • Faculty wishing to lead a study away trip will follow the Study Away Proposal process.  This involves informing academic leadership of the following:
    • the course(s) being used,
    • travel date(s),
    • trip location(s) and a description of the vetting process,
    • number of students participating,
    • student and employee costs 
    • How the experience is explicitly connecting to course learning outcomes.  
  • Proposals are reviewed on an annual basis by the Study Away Review Team.  
  • Upon approval, trip coordinators will meet throughout the year with Experiential Learning staff to discuss the planning and facilitation of the trip. Topics include: marketing, student application process, budget and invoicing, course scheduling and student orientations and overall risk management.

A copy of the GRCC's Annual Security Report (ASR) is available for review. This report is required by the federal law and contains statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus; in certain non-campus buildings or property owned and controlled by GRCC; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The ASR also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual misconduct, emergency procedures, and other matters. This report is available online at You can also request a hard copy by visiting the GRCC Police. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the ASR, you can stop by the GRCC Police Department at 25 Lyon Street NE or you can request a copy be mailed to you by calling (616) 234-4012.

Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 requires that all entities receiving federal funds or financial assistance prohibit sex discrimination and sexual harassment in their education programs and activities. Learn more about Title IX at

GRCC does not offer or accept any reward or remuneration from a secondary school, college, university, agency, or organization for placement or recruitment of military students.
