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2021 NAEYC Accreditation Report

Institution Name: Grand Rapids Community College
Reporting Program Outcome Data

As part of the program’s achieving and maintaining NAEYC accreditation, it must report annually on at least three of the following measures and display these data via an easily located link on the program’s website. The program is strongly encouraged to meet with its Institutional Research (IR) office to assist in gathering the data on the outcome measures. Below are suggested data reporting templates, but the program is encouraged to report the data in a format that best meets its program needs. For institutions with more than one accredited program, data must be disaggregated and reported for each program.

Outcome Measure #1: The Number of Program Completers

In the chart below, please indicate the number and percentage of program completers for the three most recent academic years. (note: the percentages in each row should add up to 100%)

Academic YearNumber of program completers% of program completers who were attending full-time (at the time of completion)% of program completers who were attending part-time[1] (at the time of completion)

Note: Eight students were auto-awarded degrees or certificates. They were not enrolled during the academic year, so the percentages above do not add to 100%.

Outcome Measure #2: The Program Completion Rate

What is the published timeframe[2] for full-time candidates to complete the early childhood program(s) included in this Self-Study Report? Two years.

In the following chart, please indicate the percentage of full-time candidates completing the program within the program's published timeframe[2]. The program must complete the information for the 150% indicator and choose to report on either the 100%, 200% (or twice) or 300% (three times) indicator. The academic years selected must fall within eight years of the date this report is submitted.

Example:A program with a published timeline of two years (four semesters at 15 credits a semester) to complete an A.A.S. in Early Childhood could select a Fall 2011 cohort on which to report. The 150% indicator, indicates all members of the Fall 2011 cohort (full-time at the time of enrollment) who completed the program by Spring 2014. The 100% indicator only contains members of the Fall 2011 cohort who completed the program by Spring 2013. The 200% indicator contains all members of the Fall 2011 cohort who completed the program by Spring 2015, including those already counted in the 150% indicator. Lastly, the 300% indicator contains all members of the Fall 2011 cohort who completed the program by Spring 2017, including those already counted in the 150% indicator.

Program Name: Child Development.

Academic year in which a Fall cohort of full-time candidates enrolled in the program (select three sequential years)Percentage of those candidates who completed the program within 150% of the published timeframePercentage of those candidates who completed the program within 100%, 200% (twice) or 300% (three times) of the published timeframe (Please circle or underline the indicator above on which the program will report.)

Outcome Measure #3: Institutional Selected Data

All programs are required to select at least one of the following outcome measures on which to report. (Institutions submitting multiple programs in a single Annual Report may select the same or a different measure for each program; a separate chart must be submitted for each program.)

(A) The fall-to-fall retention rate in the program for each of the three most recently completed academic years

Academic Year% of Part-Time Candidates Enrolled in the program (% of Total Enrollment)Retention Rate among Part-Time Candidates% of Full-Time Candidates Enrolled in the program (% of Total Enrollment)Retention Rate among Full-Time Candidates

Note: This includes all students enrolled in Child Development programs in the Fall, not only new students.

[1] Part-time status is defined by the institution.

[2] “The Commission defines the published time frame as the number of terms an individual student was actually enrolled in the program. The terms do not have to be consecutive, but the total number of terms must meet the program’s expected time frame for completion. University-approved withdrawals (e.g., leaves of absence for reasons of health, maternity/paternity, mission work, military assignment) do not count toward the number of terms a student was enrolled in the program. Students taking longer due to reasons other than university-approved withdrawals (e.g., course repeats, remediation plans) cannot be considered as meeting completion expectations.” Language adapted from the Council on Academic Accreditation for Audiology, Speech Language Pathology of the American Speech Language Hearing Association at
