GRCC Science Talks features field experts on awe-inspiring subjects. Join in conversation or listen in as GRCC faculty and other experts from our community walk us through the world around us from a scientist's perspective.
Science Talks are free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Past Science Talks
View past Talks on YouTube:
- Unlocking the Sun: Spectroscopy in the 1800s
- Species Decline: How did we get here?
- Gene Modifications: CRISPR
- Epigenetics and Colon Cancer: A tale of mice, microbes and methyl groups
- Color Changing Technologies
- Monarch Migration in the Americas: How They Orient and Navigate their Way to their Overwintering Roosts
- How animals feel pain: Lessons from the fruit fly model organism
- Sabbatical Research on RNA Sequencing
- Deciphering the Effects of Nutrition and Maternal Inheritance in Fruit Flies
- Fortnite as a Physics Laboratory
- Eruptions & Eruption Risk on Reykjanes Peninsula
Interested in presenting a topic for Science Talks?
We welcome expert faculty, student and community members to present a GRCC Science Talks. If you are interested, please email timothyperiard@grcc.edu.