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Craft Brewing, Packaging & Service Operations Certificate

Where artisan brewers and expert operations professionals get their start.

With more breweries per square foot than almost anywhere in America, GRCC is ready to meet West Michigan's growing hiring needs in the craft brewing industry.

Attend a Craft Brewing Open House to learn more about our programs

Why Craft Brewing at GRCC?

  • This program allows you to gain fieldwork experience and an internship at a brewer or brewing-related operation.
  • You will acquire the ServSafe Alcohol certification and the Certified
    Beer Server certification while participating in the program.
  • Upon graduation you will be prepared to take the Certified Cicerone
  • Our on-site brewery, Fountain Hill Brewery, provides hands-on experience into the art, science and technology of brewing, with a focus on brewing microbiology, biochemistry, sensory analysis.
  • This certificate will give you the competitive edge for entry-level positions in service, brewing or management in brew pubs or craft breweries.

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More program information

  • Age Requirement: The Michigan Liquor Control Commission requires that students be 18 or older to enroll in classes in the Craft Brewing, Packaging, and Service Operations Certificate.
  • Transportation required: Some courses may require class field trips and/or travel to internship sites. Students are responsible for their transportation and any associated travel costs.

Additional Information
