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Message from President Bill Pink: GRCC will help our community heal, learn - and transform

The following is a message from Grand Rapids Community College President Bill Pink:  June 8, 2020 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- I’ve been thinking about whether I would make a public statement addressing the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Not because of disrespect for the horrible acts behind their deaths, nor the importance of calling out injustice to men who look like me. I see many other leaders releasing statements and I fully respect those sentiments. Yet, I’ve struggled with writing a statement, for two reasons. First, while I see the value in declaring our commitment through a written statement, I am more concerned with what we are going to do about it. Action! We can make statements denouncing the horrific actions of these deaths, but if we do not follow those statements with sustainable, long-term transformation, our statements are irrelevant. They would not honor those who have not only lost their lives, but also our communities who are experiencing disparities and struggle in finding hope. If you wonder who they are, take some time to look at some of the people who are protesting. We must think in terms of transformation. Second, I’m tired -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m tired. I’m tired of looking at the news and finding out that another black life has been taken because of a senseless act of individuals who decided to treat them as something other than a human being. I’m tired of having my black friends who have black sons telling me their fears about whether their son is safe whenever he walks out their door. And I am tired of hearing statements such as, “Why are they still protesting?” and “When are we going to stop talking about racism?” As Dr. King put it so eloquently decades ago, this, too, is not a season where the African-American needs to “simply blow off some steam” and get over it. If that is where we are, then I will remain very tired. That said, do not mistake my fatigue for complacency or giving up. Quite the contrary. I am blessed to be president of an amazing institution. I firmly believe our institution, GRCC, can and will play an important role in helping our community not only heal, but also learn and grow from the place we are right now…whether it be the pandemic of a coronavirus, or the pandemic of addressing inequities associated with the diverse populations of our community. Our college has been here for more than 100 years. It has been here through horrible days in our country and in our community. The walls of our college witnessed world wars, recessions, depressions and many other issues. And we are still here. I have no doubt GRCC will continue to be a pillar in this community for growth and transformation. Our diversity and equity initiatives are second to none . We are laser-focused on filling equity gaps across our campus community and the community of Grand Rapids. I am proud that our Police Academy has instilled, “ The Fair and Impartial Policing” implicit bias training for our cadets who will soon take to the streets of our communities in this city and region with a stronger skill set for handling situations with wisdom and care. I am proud that GRCC is an integral partner with the Grand Rapids Promise Zone initiative to remove cost as a barrier to education. Every student within the zone will have access to opportunities to transform their life and break generational cycles of poverty. I remain convinced this community’s college will be responsive to this present situation. I commit as its president to doing so. This college stands with this community to look this monster of racial injustice square in the face and declare that it will never win. If we, alongside our community, will unite around the cause, with dedicated focus and sincere commitment to action, we will see transformation throughout West Michigan. If not, we will continue to deal with being repeatedly tired… …I choose action!  

My Story Started at GRCC: Gary Schenk says GRCC was like a 'brilliant light' that led to an accomplished career and community service

Jan. 4, 2021, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Start at Grand Rapids Community College and go anywhere! Every former student has a story to tell about how GRCC – or Grand Rapids Junior College – gave them the education and opportunity to be successful. We’re sharing some of those stories, and want to hear yours! Gary Schenk says Grand Rapids Community College ignited a passion for learning that led to an accomplished legal career -- and wanted to repay a “debt” by serving the college and the community. “When I graduated from Lee High School, I was not anywhere near what somebody would call a student,” he said.  I wanted to go to college. I always thought I would, from the time I was 3 years old I told people I wanted to be a lawyer. The only choice I had available to me was Grand Rapids Junior College."  He enrolled at what was then Grand Rapids Junior College and credits it with igniting his love of learning. GRJC faculty were generous with their knowledge and advice, and when he entered the University of Michigan in 1963, he discovered he was light years ahead of his fellow juniors.  “It wasn’t me,” he said. “It was what this place gave me, what the people here gave me.” “When these doors opened to me for the first time, it was as if someone shined a brilliant light in my face. As if I was peering into King Solomon’s treasure room. A river of golden dreams called knowledge -- so much waiting to be taught and so much waiting to be learned. And all you had to do was put your head into that river and the brilliant people who taught here would fill it with knowledge, with love of their craft and no reservation."  Schenk received his bachelor’s degree in 1965 from U of M, where he was Phi Beta Kappa. He graduated cum laude from there with his law degree in 1969 and was a member of the Order of the Coif, the national honor society for law students. He eventually returned to Grand Rapids, where he co-founded the legal firm of Schenk Boncher & Rypma. In addition to practicing commercial, business, contract and corporate law, he volunteered his time to legal organizations and nonprofit groups. He served on committees for the Grand Rapids and state bar associations. He was also a board member for the Grand Valley State University Foundation, the Grand Valley State University Friend of the Arts and the Greater Grand Rapids Area Red Cross. Schenk decided he also wanted to give back to the school that had helped him so much and was elected to the GRCC board of trustees in 1997. During the 12 years he served, he held the offices of board chair, vice chair and treasurer. “I always felt I owed the place a debt,” said Schenk, GRCC’s 2009 Distinguished Alumnus. “I always have lived my life believing that I owed Grand Rapids Community College a debt, and whether that was repaid in service or in some other way, I had fully intended to repay it at some point in my life.” Let GRCC help you start your story. The first chapter starts at And tell us your story here:  Share your story.