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High School and Technical Center Articulation

High School/Technical Center Articulation is a process by which students have the opportunity to earn college credits for career and technical courses or programs they take in high school or at a technical center. Grand Rapids Community College partners with high schools and technical centers to create and maintain articulation agreements that outline transferrable coursework to GRCC that can then be used toward the attainment of a terminal academic program at GRCC.

How does it work?

If a student completes a high school/technical center course that is eligible for articulation with a grade of B or higher, the student may then fill out an Articulated Course Credit Application with their high school/technical center counselor. A representative from the high school/technical center will send the completed Course Credit Application to GRCC's Student Records’ Office  on behalf of the student. Double-check with your high school/technical center for eligible courses that can be articulated—this is based on your school’s articulation agreement with GRCC.  

Once a student has applied and been admitted to Grand Rapids Community College as a degree-seeking student, and has met all the criteria for High School/Technical Center Articulation, appropriate credits are placed on the student’s transcript as articulated credit to be used toward the attainment of a terminal academic program at GRCC. There is no charge for these credits. The student must have applied to GRCC as a degree-seeking student within two (2) years of high school/technical center graduation to be eligible for articulated credit.


Will the Credits Transfer to Another College?

Articulated high school/technical center credit is intended to be used toward the attainment of a terminal academic program at GRCC, and is not intended for transfer. Students should check with the college/university they are transferring to from GRCC in order to see if the credits are eligible for transfer.

High School/Technical Center Teacher and Counselor Information

The Applications for Articulated High School Credit are available on our website.  Also available on our website are instructions for locating GRCC Course Documents. Course Documents are used to verify satisfaction of Course Learning Outcomes as part of completing the Course Credit Applications.

Creating and Updating Articulation Agreements

High Schools or Technical Centers interested in establishing (or adding to) an Articulation Agreement with GRCC should contact the Director of Transfer & Articulation Services at GRCC, Matt Novakoski, sends email) or (616) 234-3183.
