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Holiday Shutdown: GRCC is closed Dec. 23-Jan. 1. Happy Holidays!


This course is designed to provide instructors with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver a high-quality online/hybrid course. Successful participants will also be able to teach effectively online through active facilitation and a variety of student engagement techniques and technologies.


Garry Brand, Facilitator
373 RJF Hall
(616) 234-3205

About This Course

This course is designed to provide instructors with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver a high-quality online/hybrid course. Successful participants will also be able to teach effectively online through active facilitation and a variety of student engagement techniques and technologies.

Prerequisite: Training in Blackboard Basics (on the latest version of the LMS).

This is a six (6) week, rigorous course that includes weekly participation and assignment requirements. Please plan ahead to ensure you have the time to complete all of the required course activities. This training is much more than "Blackboard training," as it includes elements of instructional design and strategies for building, developing, sequencing, and delivering online content. When you are done, you will have a template for your online and/or hybrid course.

Each participant will read parts of the required textbook, participate in discussions, and complete learning activities designed to reinforce each topic. One of the greatest lessons you will probably get out of this experience is how it feels to be a student. You will be required to log on and attend, meet minimum standards for participation and submit assignments. Communications will usually be asynchronous (not at the same time).

Enrollment in this course is through Teaching, Learning, and Distance Education and includes a maximum number of 16 participants. If a participant drops the course at any point throughout the course, they can re-enroll into another training session. However, they will be placed on a waitlist and only permitted to re-enroll if the course has not reached the maximum number (first-time participants who have met the prerequisites have priority). Re-enrolled participants will need to complete the entire course again.


This course is six weeks long. Each week ends on Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (EST/EDT). You must complete the course, including the assignments for all six weeks, for certification. This includes the completion of your final presentation.

Participants will:

  • Attend a Zoom session on Friday, 1-2:30pm, if they do not complete the online assignments.
  • Watch the recording of our Zoom session if they do not attend the live session.
  • Complete all online assignments (e.g. reading, discussions, learning activities).
  • Post content to an empty/template course in Blackboard.
  • Complete assessments or self-assessments.
  • Make a final presentation and submit a course evaluation.


Regular attendance and participation is essential for learning. Attendance is measured by your presence in the online course, as well as the submission of assessments or other assigned work. Attendance is not the same as participation. Simply logging in does not contribute to the class. Participants may be dropped if they are absent more than one week online.


Teaching Online A Practical Guide, 4th Edition by Susan Ko and Steve Rossen. (ebook provided at no cost to registered participants). 


When you email your facilitator, please include a proper reference in the "subject" field, any message you are responding to, and your name. Email should be used for issues that are not appropriate for the whole class (e.g. questions about your grade, constructive criticism or personal issues). We will respond to your email within 24 hours.

When you reply to a post on the discussion board, please use the "Quote" button. By doing this, you make the discussion easier to follow and help the facilitators evaluate your participation. If you feel it's an entirely new topic (related to the week's activities), start a new thread.


To become certified, you must complete all requirements (including participation) and demonstrate proficiency by meeting all outcomes (including the final presentation).

Graded activities:

  • OHCC Orientation = Complete/Incomplete
  • Course Syllabus (Week One) = 25 points
  • Course Schedule (Week Two) = 25 points
  • Course Structure (Week Three) = 25 points
  • Course Content (Week Four) = 25 points
  • Welcome and Orientation (Week Five) = 25 points
  • Final Presentation (Week Six) = 75 points
  • Active Participation = 6 x 15 = 90 points

All graded activities are due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (EST/EDT). You will receive an email from your facilitators telling you when to check the "Grades" link. An announcement will also appear when grades are updated (within 48 hours of the deadline). It takes time to go through each template and provide meaningful feedback.


Participation is crucial to your learning and success in this course. Participation is defined as posting a message to the weekly discussion board forum at least three out of seven days each week. Your posts could be in response to the learning activities (facilitators will get you started with a thread), as well as your own questions or comments about the weekly material. Participation does not include emails, or posts to the “Questions” forum. Make sure to logon often to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the number of posts. Weekly participation points are awarded based on the quantity and quality of your posts. The following rubric will be used for participation evaluation:

15 Participation Points

  • The participant consistently posted insightful comments and questions that prompted on-topic discussion.
  • The participant consistently helped clarify or synthesize the ideas of peers.
  • The participant stated his or her disagreement or objections clearly, yet politely.
  • The participant replied to questions or prompts from a peer or facilitator.
  • The participant posted at least three out of seven DAYS per week.

10 Participation Points

  • The participant was notably lacking in one or two of the items listed above.
  • The participant consistently had to be prompted or coaxed to participate.
  • The participant usually, but not always, expressed herself or himself clearly.
  • The participant posted at least two out of seven days per week.

5 Participation Points

  • The participant was consistently lacking in two or more of the items listed above.
  • The participant was extremely reluctant to participate, even when prompted.
  • The participant rarely expressed himself or herself clearly.
  • The participant posted at least one out of seven days per week.

0 Participation Points

  • The participant frequently attempted to draw the discussion off-topic.
  • The participant was rude or abusive to other course participants.
  • The participant consistently failed or refused to participate at all, even when specifically prompted or questioned.
  • The participant posted zero out of seven days per week.


The following topics are addressed in this certification (see Weekly Schedule for timing and links to the course outcomes):

  • Online and Hybrid Course Syllabus
  • Online and Hybrid Course Schedule
  • Accessible Online Content
  • Copyright Compliance
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Consistency in Course Design
  • Academic Integrity and Authentication
  • Building Online Community
  • Facilitating Online and Hybrid Learning
  • Preparing the Online Learner
  • GRCC Online Course Development Process
  • GRCC Student Support Services
  • Online Course Quality

Weekly Schedule

Week One


  • Prepare Your Online/Hybrid Syllabus
    • Identify differences between campus, online and hybrid syllabi.
    • Use a template, institutional and course policies to draft a syllabus.
    • Post online/hybrid syllabus in your Blackboard template course.


  1. Read Chapter 5.
  2. Discuss Chapter 5.
  3. Draft Syllabus and Get Feedback.
  4. Add Syllabus to Template.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to “Checking In.”
  7. Submit Self-Assessment.

Week Two


  • Prepare Your Online/Hybrid Schedule
    • Use template, Curriculog and academic calendar to outline your course.
    • Identify assignments and deadlines for your online course schedule.
    • Post online/hybrid schedule in your Blackboard template course.


  1. Read Chapter 3 and 4.
  2. Discuss Chapter 3 and 4.
  3. Draft Schedule and Get Feedback.
  4. Add Schedule to Template.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to "Checking In!"
  7. Submit Self-Assessment.

Week Three


  • Organize Your Online/Hybrid Course
    • Draft a plan for how your online or hybrid course will be organized.
    • Identify appropriate content that will be added to your template.
    • Organize menu and content areas in your template course.


  1. Read Chapter 2 and 10.
  2. Discuss Chapter 2 and 10.
  3. Instructional Design & Copyright.
  4. Add Structure to Template.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to “Checking In.”
  7. Submit Self-Assessment.

Week Four


  • Build Your Online/Hybrid Course
    • Create appropriate content to address and assess the outcome.
    • Add your week/module to the template course.
    • Build in opportunities for interaction and collaboration.


  1. Read Chapter 6 and 7.
  2. Discuss Chapter 6 and 7.
  3. Build Content & Universal Design.
  4. Add Content to Template.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to “Checking In.”
  7. Submit Self-Assessment.

Week Five


  • Prepare Your Online/Hybrid Course and Students
    • Ensure course content and tools are accessible.
    • Ensure students have access to academic and technical support.
    • Welcome and prepare the learner for your online course.


  1. Read Chapter 8 and 9.
  2. Discuss Chapter 8 and 9.
  3. Accessibility & Student Support.
  4. Add Welcome and Orientation.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to “Checking In.”
  7. Submit Self-Assessment.

Week Six


  • Teach Your Online/Hybrid Course
    • Engage the online and hybrid learner.
    • Facilitate the online and hybrid course.
    • Assess student learning and provide feedback.


  1. Read Chapter 11 and 12.
  2. Discuss Chapter 11 and 12.
  3. Facilitating Online Learning.
  4. Post Final Presentation.
  5. Zoom Session (Friday)
  6. Reply to "Checking Out!"
  7. Submit Course Evaluation.