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Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients

2024Ruth KellyEducator and Public ServantGRPS and City of Grand Rapids
2023Olivia Margo AndersonEducatorGRPS
2022Loyd WinerEngineer Newhof & Winer
2021Sekou SmithSenior On-Air Analyst & WriterNational Basketball Association (NBA)
2020Dr. Nkechy Ekere EzehAssociate Professor of Education and Director of Early Childhood Education ProgramAquinas College
2019Teresa Weatherall NealSuperintendentGrand Rapids Public Schools
2018Jane DoyleVeteran,Women’s Air Force Service Pilot75
2017Dr. Scott HaraburdaRetired ColonelU.S. Army
2016Dirk HoffiusLawyerVarnum LLP
2015Terri A. HandlinBoard of Trustees (1991-2013)

Grand Rapids Community College

Forest Hills Public Schools
2014John A. HallacyChief Judge10th Judicial District Court, Battle Creek, MI
2013Kevin BelkChief of policeGrand Rapids Police Department
2013Tom RademacherColumnistThe Grand Rapids Press
2012Dr. Kevin O'NeillSuperintendentCoopersville Public Schools
2011James V. Buzzitta, M.D.Founder

Chief executive officer
Michigan Medical P.C.

Hughes Management
2011Janice L. MagginiBoard of Trustees (1991-2011)

Grand Rapids Community College

Wyoming Public Schools
2010Dave CusterPresident

Custer Workplace Interiors

Board of Directors, GRCC
2009Gary SchenkBoard of Trustees(1997-2009)

Grand Rapids Community College

Schenk, Boncher, Rypma P.C.
2008George LessensChief meteorologistWZZM 13
2007Jim McKayChairpersonWest Michigan Northern Trust Bank
2006Bill HardimanSenator29th District, State of Michigan
2006Michael SakState representative,
Speaker pro tempore
House of Representatives,
State of Michigan
2005Edward "Ned" FenlonAttorneyState representative and Circuit Court Judge
2004Dr. Donald R. BoyerProvost and vice president of Academic and Student AffairsGrand Rapids Community College
2003Sara J. SmolenskiChief judge63rd District Court
2002John SelmonSenior vice presidentDavenport University
2001Steven PestkaState RepresentativeHouse of Representatives, 76th District
State of Michigan
2000Donald MainePresidentDavenport University
1999Dr. Robert J. LaPennaCardiologistBorgess Cardiology Group
1998Gary GoodePartnerArthur Anderson
1997Howard StovallAttorneyBaker & McKenzie
1996Armen OumedianSenior vice presidentPinnacle Automation Inc.
1995Beverly DrakeExecutive DirectorArea Community Services Employment and Training Council
1994Dr. William LaPennaCardiologistBorgess Cardiology Group
1993Billie AlexanderDirectorProject Rehab
1993Wallace "Pete" DeMaagdColumnistThe Grand Rapids Press
1992Myrna GrandersonHealth services managerGrand Rapids Job Corps Center
1992Gary J. HortonExecutive vice president, creative servicesD'Arcy Masius Benton and Bowles
1991Richard ReidForeign language instructorGrand Rapids Community College
1991James RobinsonPartner

Honigman Mill Schwartz and Cohn

State Bar of Michigan
1990Sara E. GloverNurseGrand Rapids, MI
1990William C. WoodsonDirector of Graduate Studies in EnglishIllinois State University
1989Timothy D. LeuliettePresidentSiemens-Bendix Automotive
1989Joseph ShearsCoordinatorVeterans facility
1988Winfred FerrellComputer consultantNew York, NY
1988The Rev. Russell McConnellFounderGrand Rapids Area Center for Ecumenism (GRACE)
1987 Dr. Richard M. TookerPhysicianKent County Health Department
1987Audrey WrightEducatorEast Grand Rapids High School and Louisiana State University
1986Dr. Kenneth Fellows, Jr.EducatorHarvard Medical School
1986Hugh D. HammerslagPartnerSeidman & Seidman
1985Harry BloemExecutive vice presidentBissel Inc.
1985Dr. Robert GillEducator, cartoonistGrand Rapids Public Schools
1985William LewisEducatorUniversity of Michigan
1984David CopePoet, English instructorGrand Rapids Junior College
1984Roy RobertsExecutive and civic leaderGeneral Motors Corp.
1984Vern TerpstraProfessor emeritusInternational Business, University of Michigan
1983Marvin DeWinterArchitectDeWinter Associates Inc.
1983George NelsonSuperintendentGrand Rapids, MI
1983Caroll StreeterCommunity leaderGrand Rapids, MI
1982Helen MorsinkInstructorCentral Michigan University
1982O. Steward MyersInstructorGrand Rapids Junior College
1982David E. PostArchitectPost Associates Inc.
1981Abe DrasinMayorGrand Rapids, MI
1981Bonnie MarrisWildlife artistSaranac, MI
1980Gerald A. ElliottWriterThe Grand Rapids Press
1980Calvin JeterAdministrator, businessmanGrand Rapids, MI
1979Dorothy L. JuddEducator and civic leaderGrand Rapids, MI
1979John P. SteketeePresiding judgeKent County Juvenile Court
1978Carl MorgensternPresidentOld Kent Bank
1978Marjorie ShepardPrincipalSouth High School
1978Adrian SwetsComposer, playwright and designerGrand Rapids Junior College
1977Elias LumpkinsDean of StudentsGrand Rapids Junior College
1977Jo Ellen StuitPresident of Alumni AssociationGrand Rapids Junior College
1977Werner VeitEditor and publisherThe Grand Rapids Press
1976John D. B. LuyendykLawyerGrand Rapids, MI
1976Lumen Martin WinterArtist, sculptor and muralistNew York, NY
1975Dr. Clarence A. BoonstraForeign service officer

U.S. Government

Costa Rica
1975The Rev. Robert HesseCatholic missionaryHoly Cross Fathers, Ankole, Uganda
1975Dr. Jerome F. MancewiczPhysicianGrand Rapids, MI
1975Dr. Theresa R. PalaszekObstetrician and gynecologistGrand Rapids, MI
1974Richard L. CooperJournalist, Pulitzer PrizeRochester, NY
1974Dr. Isla G. DepreePhysicianFor Myers, FL
1973Dr. James A. FergusonPhysicianFerguson Hospital
1973Elizabeth WilsonActressBroadway stage, screen, and television
1972Edward GoebelIndustrialistHolland, MI
1972Ray E. Stevens, Jr.Dentist and photographerGrand Rapids, MI
1971Dr. Harvey M. AndreSurgeonGrand Rapids, MI
1971Dr. Henry A. BruinsmaEducatorCalvin College
1970Dr. Ray B. LoeschnerPresidentOlivet College
1970Arthur S. NicholasFounderLeon Chemicals Inc.
1969Dr. Russell N. DeJongNeurologistUniversity of Michigan
1969Vernor H. EmanDentistGrand Rapids, MI
1968Dr. Bernadine DeValdisPhysicianHolland, MI
1968Christian SonneveldtMayorGrand Rapids, MI
1967The Rev. John M. BurgessBishopEpiscopal Diocese of Massachusetts in Boston
1967Dr. Howard J. SchaubelOrthopedic surgeonGrand Rapids, MI
1966Dr. Gould A. AndrewsSurgeon and administratorOak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies
1966The Rev. Robert j. LignellMinisterFaith Lutheran Church
1965Harry E. CheesebroughProduct Planning and DevelopmentChrysler Corp.
1965George HuebnerDirector of researchChrysler Corp.
1965Dr. Jay L. PylmanSuperintendentGrand Rapids Public Schools
1965Dr. Clarence StraatsmaProfessorPlastic and reconstructive surgery, New York Medical College
1964John T. BargertEngineerBell Telephone Laboratories
1964E. Ray BaxterDeanGrand Rapids Junior College
1964Russell ChristopherMusicianMetropolitan Opera
1964Edward N. ColeIndustrialist and executiveGeneral Motors Corp.
1964R. Hiley DavisIndustrialistAmerican Seating Co.
1964Lawrence J. FullerBrigadier generalU.S. Army
1964Richard M. GillettChairmanOld Kent Bank
1964Arnold GingrichPublisherEsquire
1964Dr. John HannahPresidentMichigan State University
1964Dr. Andrew KostenMinisterRidgefield Park, NJ
1964Robert LindquistBankerHarris Trust and Savings
1964K. William StinsonCongressmanU.S. House of Representatives