Explore the life sciences through courses and programs designed to prepare you for careers in biology and health.
Why Biology at GRCC?
- Expert instructors with advanced degrees in the biological sciences.
- Small class sizes.
- State-of-the-art laboratories including a human cadaver lab and a tutorial lab.
- Experiential Learning provides experience-based service learning opportunities that promote student success.
- Complete a pre-major degree and then transfer seamlessly to the four-year college or university of your choice to complete your bachelor’s degree.
Areas of study
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Take advantage of services — and don’t doubt what you can do with a CC education.
Jennifer Archambault, Biological Sciences alum
Programs in this Department
Faculty & Staff

Todd Tiano
Department Head
(616) 234-3895

Janis Qualls
Educational Support Professional
(616) 234-4248

Anesa Behrem
Instructional Laboratory Coordinator
(616) 234-2259

Jenifer Bourcier
Assistant Professor
(616) 234-2554

Holly Christopher
Biology Learning Center Coordinator
(616) 234-3894

Todd Tiano
Department Head
(616) 234-3895