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College Level Examination Programs (CLEP)

CLEP (the College-Level Examination Program®) offers 33 exams that cover intro-level college course material. With a passing score on one CLEP exam, you could earn three or more college credits at more than 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities.

CLEP was created to help individuals with prior knowledge in a college course subject earn their degree efficiently and inexpensively. That prior learning could have taken place through advanced high school courses, independent reading and study, online courseware or textbooks, noncredit courses, or on-the-job training.

Anyone interested in earning college credit can take a CLEP exam.

Each institution sets its own policy regarding the acceptance of CLEP examinations and the amount of credits they award. Review the TES database(link is external) for up-to-date CLEP equivalencies information.  Use CLEP as your search term in the “Institution Search” entry box.

If you desire to transfer CLEP credit to another institution, then it is strongly suggested you check with that institution regarding their CLEP acceptance policy prior to taking the exam. (NOTE: If you are seeking the Michigan Transfer Agreement / MTA credential, CLEP credits are not eligible)

Exam fee

The total cost to take a CLEP exam at GRCC is $115.

($95 CLEP exam fee (per exam) + $20 GRCC test administration fee (per exam) payable at the time of the exam(s) by check or money order to GRCC. We do not accept cash or credit/debit cards at the Academic Testing Center.

Test Requirements

A minimum exam score of 50 is required for credit to be awarded at Grand Rapids Community College. Check with the institution you are attending for your CLEP passing score requirements.

Exams typically take 90–120 minutes to complete depending on the subject and are administered on the computer. Students receive their CLEP exam scores immediately after completing the exam. The only exception is the College Composition, which is two hours long and takes approximately one month to receive a score through the mail.

If your school requires you to take the College Composition Modular, they must score the optional essay portion. GRCC will not score any essay exams.

Allow three weeks for CLEP scores to reach your institution.

Visit  the CLEP website(link is external) for test information or study guides.

CLEP exams at GRCC are offered on an appointment basis. Previously published testing days and times have been temporarily adjusted.  Schedule is subject to change

Due to space limits and time requirements, an individual taking a CLEP exam will be limited to one (1) exam per visit unless prior arrangements have been made.

CLEP exam registration and payment

  • Register and pay for your CLEP portion of the exam on the CLEP website(link is external) 
  • Choose GRCC as your testing site during registration.
  • After you complete the online registration process, print your CLEP exam registration ticket.
  • An additional $20 test administration fee (per exam) is required, payable by check or money order to GRCC. We do not accept cash. The $20 GRCC test administration fee applies to each exam you take and is nonrefundable. If you reschedule your exam appointment, you will have to pay an additional $20 GRCC test administration fee for each test you reschedule.
  • Bring your CLEP exam registration ticket and $20 GRCC test administration fee to your testing appointment.

Scheduling your on-campus CLEP testing appointment

To schedule a testing appointment, complete the online registration form(link is external) by visiting

  1. Select your test from the group.
  2. Choose your exam.
  3. Select an exam date and time.
  4. Enter your personal information.
  5. Acknowledge exam guidelines.
  6. If requested, provide additional information.
  7. Click on Add to Cart, review appointment date and time, select Complete Registration to confirm your test.
  8. You will receive a confirmation email with details regarding your testing appointment.

Please contact the Academic Testing Center if you have any questions, (616) 234-3413.

Due to space limits and time requirements, an individual taking a CLEP exam will be limited to one (1) exam per visit unless prior arrangements have been made.

Exam day procedures

  • The Academic Testing Center is located in room 325 of the Student Center (SCC). Convenient access to the Testing Center is available through the Student Center entry doors. labeled 13A and 13B,  on the corner of Lyon St and Ransom St.
  • You must have photo identification to be admitted to a CLEP exam.
  • Only those individuals scheduled to test will be allowed in the exam room.
  • Bring your CLEP exam registration ticket and $20 test administration fee (per exam) payable by check or money order to GRCC. We do not accept cash or credit/debit cards at the Academic Testing Center
  • You will be requested to adhere to social distancing and safety protocol guidelines, and follow personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.
  • A limited number of lockers are available for students while testing. We recommend only bringing your picture ID with you when you test.
  • You will not be allowed to take anything; backpack, purse, hat, cell phone or other electronics into the testing center.

Student Safety Protocols and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements

  • If you don’t feel well, you are required to stay home
  • Students will be requested to practice recommended social distancing.
  • Effective March 1, 2022 GRCC rescinded the FACE COVERING policy and moved to a "masks optional" status. Face coverings will still be available on campus. Individuals can and should continue to wear a face covering if they are more comfortable wearing one. Face coverings may still be required in limited areas where external entities or industry standards require them. (Health programs, ECLL, etc.)