GRCC provides an opportunity to earn college credit through Challenge examinations, which enable students to test out of designated college courses at GRCC.
These credits will not transfer and are only intended for GRCC students who do not plan on transferring to other colleges or institutions.
The $55 exam fee can be paid at the Student Financial Services office (formerly Cashier's) located on the first floor of the Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall, room 154. A copy of your paid receipt will be required when you check-in for your scheduled exam at the Academic Testing Center, third floor in the Student Center Building room 325.
CLS 100 testing
CLS 100 is offered by appointment only. Please contact the Academic Testing Center to schedule your testing session.
All challenge exams must be completed not less than one month before the course is scheduled to start.
Please note the following exams may only be taken once:
- GH 110
- GH 125
- GH 126
Scheduling your on-campus Challenge Exam testing appointment
To schedule a testing appointment, complete the online registration form by visiting;
- Select your test from the group.
- Choose your exam.
- Select an exam date and time.
- Enter your personal information.
- Acknowledge exam guidelines.
- If requested, provide additional information.
- Click on Add to Cart, review appointment date and time, select Complete Registration to confirm your test.
- You will receive a confirmation email with details regarding your testing appointment.
Please contact the Academic Testing Center if you have any questions, (616) 234-3413.
Exam day procedures
- The Academic Testing Center is located in room 325 of the Student Center (SCC). Convenient access to the Testing Center is available through the Student Center entry doors. labeled 13A and 13B, on the corner of Lyon St and Ransom St.
- You must have photo identification to be admitted to an exam.
- Only those individuals scheduled to test will be allowed in the exam room.
- Bring your paid receipt or a copy of it.
- You will be requested to adhere to social distancing and safety protocol guidelines, and follow personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements.
- A limited number of lockers are available for students while testing. We recommend only bringing your picture ID with you when you test.
- You will not be allowed to take anything; backpack, purse, hat, cell phone or other electronics into the testing center.
Student Safety Protocols and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements
- If you don’t feel well, you are required to stay home
- Students will be requested to practice recommended social distancing.
- Effective March 1, 2022 GRCC rescinded the FACE COVERING policy and moved to a "masks optional" status. Face coverings will still be available on campus. Individuals can and should continue to wear a face covering if they are more comfortable wearing one. Face coverings may still be required in limited areas where external entities or industry standards require them. (Health programs, ECLL, etc.)