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Gender-inclusive restrooms

Sometimes referred to Gender-Neutral or Unisex Restrooms, see our Campus Map for locations or refer to the list below.

Main Campus

  • Applied Technology Center
    • 1st Floor - Near Room 139, Room 192
    • 2nd Floor - Foodology Room 201 (Kitchen), Foodology Room 202 (Employees), Room 248, Room 251A
    • 3rd Floor - Room 314A
  • Calkins Science Center
    • Lactation Room - Room 246
    • 4th Floor - Room 426
  • College Park Plaza
    • 1st Floor - Room 101A
  • Cook Hall
    • 1st Floor - Elevator Lobby
    • 2nd Floor - Elevator Lobby
    • 3rd Floor - Elevator Lobby
    • 4th Floor - Elevator Lobby
    • 5th Floor - Elevator Lobby
    • Lactation Room - Room 410
  • Ford Fieldhouse
    • 1st Floor - Fitness Center (Officials) Room 113 (Officials), Fitness Center (Officials) Room 114
  • Ford Natatorium
    • 2nd Floor - Pool Office Room 203A
  • Learning Center (Library)
    • 1st Floor - Room 109
    • 2nd Floor – Room 238
  • Music Center
    • 1st Floor – Room 139 
    • 2nd Floor – Room 211 
    • 3rd Floor – Room 314 
  • Ramp B
    • Facilities Department - Room 122
  • RJF Hall
    • G1 - Room 24, Room 10A (Printing Services)
    • G2 - Room 32D (Subway Employees Only)
    • 3rd Floor - Room 314
    • 4th Floor - Room 406, 407
    • 5th Floor - Room 502A (Board of Trustees)
  • Spectrum Theater
    • Lower Level - Room LL11
    • 1st Floor - Room 111 (Main Corridor), Room 123
    • 2nd Floor – Room 214, Room 215
  • Student Center
    • 3rd Floor - Room 368 (Quantity: 2)

DeVos Campus

  • Administration Building
    • 1st Floor - Room 103
    • 2nd Floor - Room 228 (Near President's Office)
  • Custer Alumni
    • 1st Floor - Room104, Room 109
    • 2nd Floor - Room 208, Room 209
  • Ender Hall
    • 1st Floor - Room 108, Room 110
    • 2nd Floor - Room 211, Room 214
    • 3rd Floor - Room 306
  • Sneden Hall
    • 1st Floor - Room 119, Room 121
    • 2nd Floor - Room 200G
    • Lactation Room - Room 200E
    • 3rd Floor - Room 300B, Room 300K
  • White Hall
    • Lower Level - Room 003C
    • 3rd Floor - Room 303C

Lakeshore Campus

  • Gender-Neutral: Room 101, 111 and 127
  • Lactation Room: Room 112

Menstrual hygiene products

We're distributing free menstrual hygiene products across campus. Several restrooms — as well as the snack pantries — are stocked with tampons and pads. Three vending machines also have these supplies available for a minimal cost, if the first two options aren't available.

Restrooms with free menstrual hygiene products

  • Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall, First Floor, Women's
  • Cook Hall, Fourth Floor, Unisex
  • Applied Technology Center, Second Floor, Women's
  • Library and Learning Commons, Women's
  • Student Center, First and Third Floor, Women's
  • Science, First Floor, Women's
  • Sneden, Second Floor, Unisex and Women's
  • Music, First Floor, Men's and Women's
  • Tassell MTEC, First Floor, Women's

Snack pantries

  • English, 400 College Park Plaza
  • Library and Learning Commons
  • Sneden Hall, First Floor
  • Tassell MTEC
  • Student Center, Third Floor
  • Lakeshore Campus

Vending machines

  • Applied Technology Center (ATC), Second Floor
  • Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall, G2 - Winchester Alley
  • Student Center, Third Floor

Resources for transgender and gender-nonconforming students

The Preferred Name Form and the Email Change Form are available on the Student Records page or in print at the Office of Student Life (1st floor of the Student Center). Get Help LGBTQ+ Resources has additional information and support.


If you have any questions about our policies, contact Director of the Center for Student Life & Leadership at (616) 234-4160.
