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What to Expect for Your First Appointment

Your first meeting with us will be an initial screening appointment. This is a brief, individual appointment with a counselor to assess your needs and goals, and to plan next steps based on that information. 

  • Scheduled for 30 minutes
  • In-person and telemental health (video) appointment options

To schedule an initial screening appointment, call or visit our office, or schedule online.

Schedule An Initial Screening Appointment

Before Your Appointment

  • We will send a reminder text and/or email (with your permission) one business day before your appointment.
  • One hour before your appointment, use the link in the reminder to complete required forms, including questionnaires about your concerns, history, and circumstances. You can use your own device (laptops and tablets often work better than smartphones) or you may use one of the tablets in our office. 
  • If you schedule a video appointment, your reminder will also include a link to a secure video platform. We recommend checking in to the video platform about 15 minutes before your appointment to test your camera and microphone settings. Make sure you are in a location with a strong internet connection and privacy for your appointment.
  • If you prefer not to receive email or text reminders, please ask us for the links you will need after scheduling your appointment.

During Your Appointment

  • You and the counselor will discuss your concerns and goals, and the counselor will gather additional information to better understand your current needs. 
  • The counselor will then share information and personalized initial recommendations. 
  • You may receive referrals to a group-based service, individual counseling, a community provider who may better serve your needs, self-help materials, and/or a variety of other campus and community resources. 
  • Together, you and the counselor will make a plan for next steps.