Careers for Social Sciences graduates can be found in education, corporate, non-profit, government, criminal justice — virtually any organization where overall analysis of human behavior and culture is utilized.
Why Social Sciences at GRCC?
- Upon graduation, you'll be ready to transfer as a junior to a four-year college or university.
- Many of our courses qualify for the Michigan Transfer Agreement, meaning they're highly transferrable to many colleges and universities in Michigan.
- In our programs, you'll explore the human experience, connect and contribute to your local and global communities and have the opportunity to travel abroad.
- You'll learn from expert faculty with advanced degrees.
- What you learn can be applied to any profession or area of study: Courses explore the ever-changing world of human behavior, social organization and processes of individual and institutional change.
The department serves thousands of students each year and employs various innovative delivery methods including hybrid, online and traditional lecture courses. Additionally, the Department hosts conferences on Race and Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality, and Peace Studies, which attract participants from cross the globe. Our faculty also is involved in providing overseas study abroad opportunities in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Area of study
The Social Sciences Department is home to seven unique disciplines:
The GRCC Social Sciences Department’s Commitment to Social and Racial Justice
Motivated by the oppression and inequalities which remain prevalent in the modern world, the Social Sciences Department affirms its commitment to the principles of social and racial justice. The concept of social justice is larger than the concept of individual justice embedded in civil or criminal law; it aspires to just relations between all groups within our society. Everyone, regardless of their economic, legal, political, or other circumstances, deserves equal access to opportunity, justice, security, health, and dignity. Furthermore, we believe racial justice, which requires dismantling systemic racism while simultaneously addressing the centuries of pain and loss it has inflicted on communities of color, is a crucial requirement for a just society.
We express our anger and sorrow over the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, and the many other African Americans who have been senselessly killed in the United States. The national attention such murders received before and during 2020 has opened more people’s eyes to the extent of contemporary social problems as well as to the responsibility born by the state, but additional action and education are necessary to improve the situation in America. We pledge to continue addressing the impact of systemic racism in our classes and to delivering the message of anti-racism through our roles as educators and scholars. We believe, without reservation or equivocation, that black lives matter.
With equal conviction, we pledge our support for and solidarity with parallel movements likewise pursuing racial and social justice. Examples include, but are by no means limited to, movements for the rights of all people of color, for gender equality, for LGBTQ+ rights, for indigenous peoples and their land rights, and for immigrants (including those who remain undocumented). All such movements confronting racism and other forms of bigotry reflect our own commitment to promoting the respect, inclusion, and rights to which all human beings are entitled.
In sum, we promise to continuously design, modify, and evolve our curriculum to engage issues of social and racial justice in course content, assignments, and discussions. We remain dedicated to collaborating with student organizations and the Woodrick Center for Equity and Inclusion in efforts to foster awareness and confront historical and systemic injustices. As always, we welcome opportunities to dialogue and partner with other departments and organizations that share our values and our duty to help build a more equitable and peaceful society.
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Faculty & Staff

Dillon Carr

Stacey Herrick

Yan Bai

Michael DeVivo

Lisa Gloege