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Holiday Shutdown: GRCC is closed Dec. 23-Jan. 1. Happy Holidays!


Vaccination Requirements


The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program requires students to have up to date vaccinations once admitted into the program.

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (ChickenPox)
  • Hepatitis B Series
  • Tdap
  • Flu vaccine*
  • TB test results, or Chest X-ray date and report*
  • Covid-19 Vaccine**

Be aware that fieldwork sites may have additional requirements for student placements.

*A flu immunization and TB test or screening must be completed yearly. The TB must not lapse, and the flu vaccine must be acquired no later than November 1.

Fieldwork Education Access Requirements

The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program requires students to have the following vaccinations once admitted into the program.

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 2 vaccinations OR Positive antibody titer
  • Varicella (Chicken Pox): 2 vaccinations OR Positive antibody titer
  • Hepatitis B: 3 vaccines OR Positive antibody titer
  • Tuberculosis (TB): One of the following is required:
    • TB Skin test OR If positive results
    • Clear chest x-ray AND Physician clearance documented on letterhead following positive results AND TB questionnaire completed on the school form stating symptom free.
    • Must be completed annually and may not lapse.
  • Td/Tdap Tdap or Td booster administered within the past 10 years.
  • Flu vaccine annually no later than November 1.

Be aware that fieldwork sites may have additional requirements for student placements.
