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Fall 2025 Police Academy

Summer 2025 Class Registration

Registration for the summer 2025 semester will begin on Monday, February 17, 2025 at 8 a.m. To enroll into CJ 122, CJ 285, CJ 286 or CJ 287, please email sends email) with your name, student id number, and the class you would like to enroll in. 

CJ 164 Police Academy Registration

This Police Academy Boot Camp Registration(link is external) is exclusively for registration into the Summer 2025 Police Academy Boot Camp. You must be on track to be finished with all prerequisite courses or degree by the end of the Summer 2025 semester in order to enroll into CJ 164. Enrollment after completing this form is not guaranteed. Submitting the form before your eligibility date, failure to pay your tuition by the deadline, and errors on the form may delay or keep you from being enrolled. Classes have a maximum capacity and enrollment is done first come, first served.

You may begin registering for all on the following day (begins at 8 a.m.):

  • February 17, 2025

To register for CJ 164, please complete the form. Once you complete the form, please be patient. Please allow for 48 hours for the course to appear on your GRCC Online Center summer schedule. Our department will also send you a confirmation email that you have been enrolled in the class.

Students who have earned a degree

If you have already earned (or will earn an Associate's degree by August 2025), please complete this Police Academy Application Form(link is external) to receive an application to the Fall 2025 Police Academy. However, if you would like to be enrolled into the optional CJ 164 Boot Camp class, please fill out this Police Academy Boot Camp Registration(link is external) instead.

If you have any questions, please email 

MCOLES Physical Fitness Test

MCOLES website(link is external)

The MCOLES physical fitness test consists of four separate events: vertical jump, sit-ups, push-ups and a ½ mile shuttle run. The cost to take the test will be no more than $55.00. Candidates should contact the test site directly to register for the physical fitness pre-enrollment test. See test site links below.

Official notification of the test results will be given to the candidate on the day of the test. The results will be on an official form and the score will be reported as PASS or FAIL.

The physical fitness test must be taken no sooner than 180 days before the beginning of the training academy session. Tests are offered only at training academies which are under Commission supervision. Other forms of fitness testing will not be accepted, although applicants are encouraged to practice the events prior to testing at an official site. Law enforcement agencies are encouraged to use the fitness testing as a pre-screening device prior to sending their applicants to an official MCOLES test.

To sign up for a physical fitness test, you must contact the agency directly. Each agency is responsible for registering its applicants. Click on the "Test Schedule" link below to view contact information, test locations, and dates.

MCOLES Pre-Enrollment Physical Fitness

Test Schedule(link is external)

To participate in the Pre-Enrollment Physical Fitness Test, candidates must bring the following items:

  • A signed Physician's Health Screening Form
  • Gym shorts and T-shirt or sweat suit
  • Gym shoes
  • Athletic supporter (males), or bra (females)
  • Driver's license or other government-issued photo ID
  • $45--either exact change, or check written to Grand Rapids Community College

Candidates are required to pass all four events of the test. The official results notification may be presented to employing agencies or to recruit academies.

The minimum performance standards for the MCOLES physical fitness test are displayed below. The numbers in the tables represent the "cut score", or pass/fail point for each event. In order to pass the test, candidates must score at least the minimums listed in the tables on each of the four events.

Note how the tables are divided according to age and sex. When looking at the tables, be careful to select your individual performance category.

Male Minimum Physical Fitness Standards for the MCOLES

Age GroupVertical JumpSit-UpsPush-Ups½-Mile 
Shuttle Run
40 +15.030284:54.7

Female Minimum Physical Fitness Standards for the MCOLES

Age GroupVertical JumpSit-UpsPush-Ups½-Mile 
Shuttle Run
40 +8.01876:13.3

