You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Applicant Information First Name Last Name Job Title/Department Phone Number Email Years of Service at GRCC Sabbatical Information Sabbatical length One Semester One Year Indicate the Semester Fall Winter Have you received a sabbatical in the previous 5 years? Yes No If yes, list previous Sabbatical by year Sabbatical Questions Documentation Please answer the questions in detail or provide your documentation by uploading a document.One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. 1. Describe in detail the nature and purpose of the sabbatical leave that includes a tentative timeline of activities. 2. Describe how the sabbatical will fit the current and future needs of the college. 3. Describe how the sabbatical will contribute to the Mission, Vision and Ends of the College? 4. Describe the way in which the knowledge and experience you gain from your sabbatical leave will be used in your faculty position. 5. Describe your plan to share the learning from the sabbatical with students, faculty, staff, and the community. 6. Include any additional information that you feel will help the committee to understand the value of your proposed sabbatical activities. Sabbatical Support Approval Information After completing your application, it will be shared with both your Department Head/Program Director and Associate Dean (as indicated). They will provide reasons and feedback for supporting or denying your application. Department Head/Program Director Information First Name Last Name Job Title/Department Phone Number Email Associate Dean Information First Name Last Name Job Title/Department Phone Number Email