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Residency Information

Educational cost at Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) are shared by students and the taxpayers. In most cases, students who reside within the Kent Intermediate School District (KISD) pay property taxes that support GRCC. Michigan residents contribute to GRCC through state taxes which helps supplement student tuition. Since we are partially funded by taxpayers, different tuition rates exist for students who are resident, non-resident and out of state.

Changing your address does not automatically change your residency status. Please review the residency information below, complete the Residency Review Form and provide documentation for a residency review.

Resident Status

Six (6) months of residency must be established prior to the start date of the semester and completed before submitting review unless noted below:

  • Legal Residence: The permanent, primary residence where a student intends to return whenever absent from college. (Note: College or University owned housing is not considered a permanent, primary residence)
  • Resident Status: A student who has been a resident of the Kent Intermediate School District (link is external)(KISD) and pays property taxes in support of GRCC for at least six (6) consecutive months prior to the start of the semester.
    Students 26 and under who live with their parent(s) or legal guardian and they own or leases the home within the taxing boundaries of the college, six-month requirement waived.
  • Non-Resident Status: A student who has been a resident of the state of Michigan for at least six (6) consecutive months prior to the start of the semester but does not meet the definition of Resident Status.
  • Out-of-State Status: A student who does not meet the definitions of Resident or Non-Resident Status.
    A student who has temporary entry permission (for example, a Student Visa, Au Pair).

Active Duty Military/Veterans

An armed forces service member on active duty, their spouse, and/or dependent child will qualify for non-resident tuition once they have resided in Michigan for 30 days.  Appropriate documentation must be provided to the Veteran's Benefits Office prior to the start of the semester.

All veterans and their dependents using benefits who have recently moved to Michigan will immediately qualify for non-resident rates.  They must present proof of veterans status and educational benefit eligibility to the Veterans Benefits Office prior to the start of the semester.

Veterans using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill or Active Duty Program) or Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship) who have recently moved to Michigan will immediately qualify for non-resident tuition rates. They must present their certificate of eligibility for education benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs to the Veterans Services Office prior to the start of the semester. Veterans are eligible for resident tuition once residency can be proven with acceptable documentation.

Residency Review

Students who believe their residency status is incorrect may request a review of their records by submitting a Residency Review Form with acceptable documentation to GRCC Student Financial Services (formerly Cashier's). A Residency Review Form can also be obtained in the Student Financial Services department (formerly Cashier's Office), Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall.

The Residency Review form must be received in the Student Financial Services department (formerly Cashier's Office) by the end of the first week of the semester for which the change is being requested. Dates will vary for students only attending late-starting classes.  Requests received after the first week of the semester start date will be considered for the following semester. Residency will not be changed for past semesters only current or future semesters.

Acceptable Documentation

The College will accept any two (2) of the following as proof of legal residency with the student’s name:

  • A valid Michigan driver's license, Michigan State ID, or motor vehicle registration with student's name and current address (both sides of ID must be submitted).
  • A dated voter registration card with student’s name and current address. (NOTE: voter card must be dated as least six months prior to start of the semester if using to establish length of time).
  • A copy of mortgage or warranty deed with primary residence in the taxing district of GRCC (or a copy of the property tax statement showing GRCC Millage) - six-month requirement waived
  • A copy of utility bills (cable, electric, gas, landline phone, trash or water) with the student’s name and address for each of the six (6) consecutive months prior to the start of the semester.
  • A copy of homeowner’s/renters insurance with the student’s name and address for each of the six (6) consecutive months prior to the start of the semester.
  • A copy of valid lease agreement, dated and signed, listing student as an occupant.
    • Mobile Home Communities require a lease agreement/letter on official company letterhead from Leasing Office (listing student as an occupant).
    • If signed lease agreement is not available, a letter from landlord on official company letterhead or a notarized letter from the landlord/homeowner is acceptable. All letters must contain the following information:  
      • Address of the property being rented
      • Specific dates with length of time residing at property
      • Signature, address, and phone number of the landlord/homeowner

NOTE: All documents submitted must be current/valid for the six (6) consecutive months.  Students 26 and under with a valid Michigan Driver’s License or Michigan State ID who live with their parent(s) or legal guardian can use parent’s mortgage/lease, homeowner’s/renters insurance or utility bills (same last name or document with proof of relationship must be provided, ex. Birth Certificate). If you are unable to provide any of the listed documentation for residency please contact Student Financial Services. Based on your circumstances, alternative documentation may be acceptable.

Residency Audit

Grand Rapids Community College will perform annual verification of residency information. When residency discrepancies are found, you will have 14 days to respond to mailed correspondence or your tuition rate is automatically adjusted to applicable non-resident or out of state for upcoming semesters. Students who have misrepresented information or have falsified documents may have to repay tuition, verify back records, or may be dismissed from the College. If a student has mail returned to the College, a hold will be placed on their records and the student must verify their residency at the Student Financial Services office (formerly Cashier's office). Students should direct any questions about residency, tuition/fee charges, and payment to the Student Financial Services office, located on the first floor of Raleigh J. Finkelstein Hall.
