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Tuition Rates & Fees

Fall 2024, Winter 2025 & Summer 2025 Tuition Rates

Basic ratesCost per contact hour

Tier I Differential Tuition

Culinary Arts & Dental Programs

Basic ratesCost per contact hour

Tier II Differential Tuition

Nursing Program

Basic ratesCost per contact hour

Construction Electrical Apprentice Program

Residency StatusTuition CostFacilities Maintenance FeeTotal Cost

Job Training Programs 2024-25

Residency StatusTuition CostFacilities Maintenance FeeTotal Cost

Michigan Colleges Online (MCO)

Student Tuition Rates(link is external) (Formally known as MCCVLC)

Learn more about "contact hours" and how GRCC's tuition rates are calculated.

Students are not be permitted to attend classes unless all tuition/fees have been paid. Exception to this will be made with payment arrangements made through the Payment Plan.

Any changes to your class schedule that result in additional tuition and fees, must be paid in full by logging on to your Online Center and click My Bill or contact the Student Financial Services department (formerly Cashier's Office) via phone or in person to make payment.

Students with an outstanding balance with GRCC can make a payment arrangement by submitting a Payment Agreement Form along with the required initial payment to the Student Financial Services department (formerly Cashier's Office). If the payment agreement is not honored, the account balance will be turned over to a collection agency at an additional cost to the student.

Grades, records, transcripts, diplomas and certificates of completion, will not be distributed to students who have unpaid balance to the College.

MasterCard, Visa, American Express & Discover

Credit and debit cards will be accepted online via your student center or over the phone by calling (616) 234-4020.)


All students must pay: student records fee, technology fee, campus activities fee and facilities maintenance fee per semester based on enrollment.

  • Applied Music Fees
    • Fees for private instruction.
  • Computer Permit Fee (Non-students only)
    • A $10 semester permit fee is charged to all non-students for computer use on campus, to be paid at the ATC Computer Lab.
  • Course Fees
    • Some courses require additional fees due to unusual costs encountered in their operation. Those fees will be listed with the course description on your tuition bill.
  • Online Courses Fees 
    • Students will be charged a course fee of $16 per contact hour for online courses.
  • Student Records Fee
    • This fee covers all student-record related services, including drops and adds, grade reporting, graduation audits, etc. The non-refundable fee is charged per semester based on the following scale:
      • 0.1 - 8.99 contact hours: $26.50
      • 9.00 + contact hours: $37.00
  • Technology Fee
    • A technology fee of $5.50 per contact hour, up to 15 contact hours, is charged each semester to maintain: Computer labs, internet access and more.
  • Campus Activities Fee 
    • A campus activities fee of $10.00 is charged each semester. These funds are distributed to recognized GRCC student organizations, and other initiatives that enhance the student experience at GRCC. These funds are governed and managed by the Student Government. 
  • Facilities Maintenance Fee (Applicable to FALL and WINTER semesters only)
    • These funds are reserved for maintaining and upgrading the college's learning environments, technology and infrastructure, and purchasing and/or expanding facilities for college purposes. The fee is charged per semester based on the following scale:
      • 0.1 - 8.99 contact hours: $60.00
      • 9.00 + contact hours: $100.00