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All GRCC students are expected to respect and value the rights of others and conduct themselves as responsible citizens.  Choosing to join the GRCC community obligates each student to abide by a code of civilized behavior. The following personal actions on GRCC property, at official College functions, or which place students, faculty or employees at risk are prohibited. The following list is not intended to be exhaustive, and the College reserves the right to deem other behavior inappropriate that is not expressly identified in these regulations. All policies referenced in the Student Code of Conduct can be found on the Office of the General Counsel’s Policies page.

1. Attempts to Defraud

Includes any activity intended to misrepresent any official document or identification used by or issued by the College.

2. Bullying

Bullying is systematic intentional behavior that may take many forms, including but not limited to, repeated unwanted physical, verbal, or written acts which are hostile or offensive, targeted at an individual or group and creates an intimidating and/or threatening environment which produces a risk of psychological and/or physical harm. Bullying may manifest as cyber stalking or cyber bullying as well as excluding behaviors such as ignoring or dismissing individuals or groups.  

  1. Hostile behaviors include, but are not limited to, inappropriate behaviors that are harmful or damaging to an individual and/or property. Behaviors that are intimidating, threatening, disruptive, humiliating, sarcastic, or vicious may also constitute hostile behavior.
  2. Offensive behaviors may include, but are not limited to, inappropriate behaviors such as abusive language, derogatory remarks, insults, or epithets. Other offensive behaviors may include the use of condescending, humiliating, or vulgar language, swearing, shouting or use of unsuitable language, use of obscene gestures, or mocking.

3. Complicity in Violating the Student Code of Conduct 

Includes attempting, aiding, abetting, conspiring, hiring or being an accessory to any act prohibited by this Code. If a student has knowledge of another student, individual or group committing or attempting to commit a violation of this Code, they are required to remove themselves from the situation and report it to the College.

5. Disruptive Demonstrations

The First Amendment protects the right to assemble and to petition, but it requires that the right be peaceably exercised in accordance with the law.  This right may be exercised by the use of written or spoken words, and by acts such as protesting and by "peaceable" assemblies and demonstrations; subject to reasonable College regulations regarding the time, place and manner of such expressive activity, including, but not limited to, the requirements set forth in GRCC’s Free Speech and Expressive Activity Policy. 

The College will not tolerate disruption of the learning environment, work environment or movement of others, nor will it condone violence or physical interference with the facilities or functions of the campus. Campus Police may, without delay, stop any demonstration that violates this regulation or any College Policy 

6. Discrimination

Engaging in discrimination against other students, faculty or staff, College officials, or guests on the basis of age, race, color, religion, marital status, sex/gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, height, weight, national origin, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, familial status, genetics, and/or any other legally protected class not heretofore mentioned as set forth in GRCC Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination policy.

a)    Prohibited discrimination includes:

  1. Unfair treatment because of your protected characteristic. 
  2. Harassment by faculty, staff, administrators, co-workers or GRCC contractors in GRCC programs, activities, services or workplace, because of your protected characteristic. Harassment is repeated, malicious mistreatment, verbal abuse, or conduct that is threatening, intimidating, humiliating, insulting, isolates people at work, or undermines their reputation or job performance through verbal or non-verbal communications.
  3. Denial of a reasonable accommodation that you are otherwise entitled to under state and federal laws.
  4. Retaliation because you complained about discrimination or assisted with a discrimination investigation or lawsuit.

See the 6.2 Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination policy for more details.

7. Disruptive Behavior

Includes the disruption of College activities and College business (including someone’s ability to be a student or do their job) in classes, programs, meetings, and other student activities. Disruption may include: disorderly conduct, lewd or indecent behavior, breach of peace, or aiding, abetting or procuring another person to breach the peace on College premises or at functions sponsored by or participated in by the College.

8. Unethical Use and/or Misuse of Technology

The use of GRCC Instructional Technology resources is subject to all federal, state and local laws, and to the College’s applicable policies and guidelines, as outlined in the  Acceptable Use Agreement.

See the 6.18 Acceptable Use of Technology Policy policy for more details.

9. Harassment

Unlawful harassment is behavior that may take many forms, including but not limited to, repeated unwanted physical, verbal, or written acts inclusive of but not limited to emails and cyber-attacks, which are hostile or offensive, targeted at an individual or group, who is in a protected class as defined by state and federal law, and creates an intimidating and/or threatening environment, which produces a risk of psychological and/or physical harm.

  1. Hostile behaviors include, but are not limited to, inappropriate behaviors that are harmful or damaging to an individual and/or property. Behaviors that are intimidating, threatening, disruptive, humiliating, sarcastic, or vicious may also constitute hostile behavior.
  2. Offensive behaviors may include, but are not limited to, abusive language, derogatory remarks, insults, or epithets. Other offensive behaviors may include the use of condescending, humiliating, or vulgar language, swearing, shouting or use of unsuitable language, use of obscene gestures, or mocking.
  3. Harassment, for the purposes of this policy, is not conduct that is simply incivility or rudeness but conduct that violates the protections afforded to employees and/or students who are members of a protected class under state and federal law.

Grand Rapids Community College creates an inclusive learning and working environment that recognizes the value and dignity of each person.  It is the policy and practice of GRCC to provide equal educational and employment opportunities regardless of age, race, color, religion, marital status, sex/gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, height, weight, national origin, disability, political affiliation, familial status, veteran status or genetics in all programs, activities, services, employment and advancement including admissions to, access to, treatment in, or compensation in employment as required by state and federal law. 

See the 6.3 Unlawful Harassment Policy policy for more details.

10. Hazing

Hazing means any act committed on GRCC property or in connection with any GRCC related group or activity that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of an individual (including, without limitation, an act intended to cause degradation, cruelty, or humiliation), or that destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation in, admission to, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. 

In response to allegations of hazing under this regulation, it is not a defense that:

  1. The victim gave consent to the conduct.
  2. The conduct was not part of an official organizational event or sanctioned or approved by the organization.
  3. The conduct was not required as a condition of membership in the organization.

11. Illegal Possession/Use of Alcohol and Drugs

This includes the illegal use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, look-alike drugs, narcotics, medical or recreational marijuana or alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of the same on campus. Prohibited conduct includes the use of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student, and sniffing toxic vapors. 

12. Unauthorized Possession/Use of Alcohol and Drugs

This includes the unauthorized use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, look-alike drugs, narcotics, medical or recreational marijuana or alcoholic beverages or being under the influence of the same on campus. Prohibited conduct includes the use of a prescription drug if the prescription was not issued to the student, and sniffing toxic vapors.

See the 6.24 Drug and Alcohol Policy policy for more details.

13. Illegal Possession/Use of Weapons

This includes illegal possession, use, control or distribution of any weapons, including but not limited to, firearms, pellet guns, air pistols/rifles, explosives, dangerous chemicals, knives, stilettos, dirks, brass knuckles, licensed weapons, objects or instruments possessed for use as a weapon or for direct or indirect delivery to another person for use as a weapon is prohibited.

14. Unauthorized Possession/Use of Weapons

This includes unauthorized possession, use, control or distribution of any weapons, including but not limited to, firearms, pellet guns, air pistols/rifles, explosives, dangerous chemicals, knives, stilettos, dirks, brass knuckles, licensed weapons, objects or instruments possessed for use as a weapon or for direct or indirect delivery to another person for use as a weapon is prohibited.

See the 14.2 Firearms, Explosives or Weapons policy for more details.

15. Indecent or Obscene Behavior

Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, indecent exposure, urinating or defecating in public, voyeurism, etc.

16. Misrepresentation

Includes representing or acting on behalf of the College or another individual when not authorized to do so.

17. Misuse or Unauthorized Possession, Use or Theft of Public or Private Property

Includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Theft or the taking of public or private property, unauthorized use or possession of public or private property, or unauthorized use or acquisition of services. 
  2. Destroying, damaging or littering of any property, conduct that defaces, destroys, damages, or litters any property of the College or any property of an individual or group whether on Campus or at a College function.

18. Obstruction/Abuse of Student Conduct Process

Includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Failure to comply with the Student Conduct Process.
  2. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information.
  3. Disruption or interference with the orderly process of a discipline hearing.
  4. Attempting to influence, intimidate or discourage an individual’s participation throughout the conduct process directly or indirectly.
  5. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a conduct officer, a member of the Hearing Committee, or Appeal Officer.
  6. Verbal or physical harassment and/or intimidation of a conduct officer, a member of the Hearing Committee, or anyone else involved in the conduct process, or failure to comply with decisions, recommendations or sanctions imposed.

19. Refusal to Identify and/or Comply

GRCC students are required to provide identification when asked by an employee or College official, specifically their GRCC issued RaiderCard. Failure to comply with a valid request to provide identification constitutes a violation of this Code. Disobedience or insubordination toward College officials or designees acting in the performance of their job duties and responsibilities is also prohibited.

20. Rioting

Rioting is defined as engaging in, or inciting others to engage in, harmful or destructive behavior in the context of an assembly of persons disrupting the learning environment on Campus, in areas proximate to Campus, or in any location when the riot occurs in connection with or in response to a GRCC-sponsored event. Rioting includes, but is not limited to, such conduct as using or threatening violence to others, damaging or destroying property, impeding or impairing fire or other emergency services, or refusing the direction of authorized personnel.

21. Safety Violations

Conduct which endangers the health or safety of any person(s), including, but not limited to:

  1. Intentionally or recklessly starting a fire or causing an explosion.
  2. Misusing fire safety equipment, fire escapes or elevators.
  3. Intentionally or recklessly endangering the welfare of any individual.
  4. Intentionally or recklessly obstructing fire, police, or emergency services.
  5. Using, possessing, or storing dangerous chemicals, fireworks, or explosives.
  6. Using, possessing, or storing any object considered to be a weapon on college property.
  7. Utilizing any instrument in a manner that endangers or tends to endanger any person.
  8. Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  9. Failing to comply with the reasonable and lawful directions of GRCC officials and GRCC Campus Police.
  10. Knowingly and falsely alerting others about an emergency.

22. Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct includes but is not limited to sexual violence including sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation.

See the 6.4 Sexual Misconduct and the 6.5 Title IX Sexual Harassment policies for more details.

23. Threatening or Causing Physical or Other Harm to Any Person

Includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Any written or oral communication, conduct or gesture that is directed toward any person or group of people that may cause a reasonable person to fear for the safety of themselves or others.
  2. Interference by force, threat, harassment or duress with personal safety, academic efforts, employment, and/or participation in College-sponsored activities.
  3. Includes any conduct that threatens or causes physical injury or endangers another person’s or one’s own health or safety including, but not limited to: physical violence, assault, or the threat to use physical violence; use or possession of fireworks, gunpowder, dangerous chemicals, or explosive materials; and blocking or preventing the use of or access to fire exit doors and building hallways, etc.

Note: A student could be found responsible for threatening behavior or comments even if the person who is the object of the threat does not observe or receive it.

24. Unauthorized Use of Tobacco, E-Cigarette or Vaporizer Pen

According to the Tobacco Free Environment policy, students shall not use, chew, smoke or sell tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vaporizer pens and medical marijuana, at any time while subject to the jurisdiction of the GRCC Student Code of Conduct or in any place on GRCC properties, including sidewalks within the boundaries of any GRCC campus. The policy shall extend to all properties owned, leased or controlled by GRCC.

See the 3.5 Tobacco/E-Cigarette Free Environment policy for more details.

25. Unauthorized Access and Use of Facilities and Services

Includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Unauthorized access or entry to College buildings, structures or facilities, information systems, or obtaining or providing to another person the means of such unauthorized access.
  2. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys or access cards for any College property.
  3. Continued occupation of any College facility after being requested to leave by a College employee, official or designee acting in the performance of their duties.

26. Violations of College Rules, Procedures, and Policies

Students are responsible for making themselves aware of and complying with College policies and guidelines, which can be found at

27. Violation of Local, State or Federal Laws

Includes engaging in conduct that violates any federal, state or local law, rule, regulation, ordinance or code. The conduct process may be instituted without regard to any arrest or the pendency of any criminal prosecution or civil litigation. Sanctions imposed pursuant to this process are independent of the outcome of any criminal or civil processes. 

Note: Students who are involved in violations of the Student Code of Conduct may have their parents notified by the Student Conduct Administrator (or designee.)

28. Use of Artificial Intelligence

GRCC recognizes that the use of Artificial Intelligence ("AI") has become increasingly common in some educational settings, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The College recognizes that in certain circumstances, AI may serve as a useful tool for students. However, students should also be aware that not all uses of AI may be permissible, and that certain uses of AI may constitute academic dishonesty, as defined by this Code. GRCC professors may create syllabus and course requirements regarding the use of AI. Students should be mindful of, and adhere to, those requirements. Violating a professor’s requirements regarding the use of AI in any course may amount to academic dishonesty (including without limitation, cheating,
plagiarism and fabrication) for which consequences may be imposed by the College, consistent with this Code. Students should communicate with their professors and review syllabus and course guidelines (including relating to the attribution of research and other academic work) before using AI. 
