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Grand Rapids Community College’s Medical Assistant program will prepare you to perform administrative and clinical tasks to keep health practitioner offices and clinics running smoothly. The goal of GRCC's Medical Assistant Program is to prepare medical assistants who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession. The course combines classroom lecture, group activity, simulation learning, and a competency-based externship experience. You will be prepared to take the Registered Medical Assistant national certification exam through American Medical Technologists. The exam fee is included in the tuition.

Apply to the Medical Assistant program

Information Session

The Healthcare Information Session(link is external) is now offered via video. This allows the ability to watch when it is most convenient for you! To get the answers you need to determine which program is right for you as well as how to enroll and requirements, please take the time to watch.

You must be 18 years or older to enter this program.

If you are interested in any of our healthcare programs, and need financial support or would like to speak with a Career Coach, contact us(link sends email). We are happy to help! 

West Michigan Works! Medical Assistant Apprenticeship

Information on the West Michigan Works! Medical Assistant Apprenticeship(link is external) program.

Sign up to stay in touch!(link is external)

Hear what our Medical Assistant students say about the program.

Program information

The 772 hour program is designed to take 22 weeks, at which point students receive a certificate of completion.

Our Medical Assistant Program provides students with learning opportunities that enable them to attain certification as a Medical Assistant and empowers them to succeed in a changing healthcare environment.

GRCCs Medical Assistant Program prepares individuals to take a national certification exam.  Included in the cost of our program is the registration fee for the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) exam through American Medical Technologists (AMT).  Graduates may choose to take an alternate exam such as CMA(AAMA) or the CCMA(NHA) at their own expense.  The RMA(AMT) is a national certification which is accepted in all 50 states and in several countries abroad. In 2019, 100% of program graduates passed the RMA certification exam.

You will learn

  • Billing and Coding
  • Telephone Triage Skills
  • Phlebotomy
  • Obtaining Vital Signs and Administering Injections
  • Electrocardiography and CLIA Waived Testing

Course information

This program will run in a Hybrid Format.  Hybrid courses take place both on-campus and online. In-class instruction is 50%, while the other 50% takes place online.  Attendance expectations require accountability during the entire course section schedule.

Section information

Program Dates

Summer 2024 MA Program 

  • Aug. 1: Intro to GRCC's MA Program (Orientation and CPR/First Aid)
  • Aug. 5–Oct. 11: Phase I (reschedule Labor Day classes to either Tuesday or Friday)
  • Oct. 14-18: Off (Between Phase Break)
  • Oct. 21-Dec. 20: Phase II (no class Nov 25-28) No class Dec 23, 2024-Jan 3, 2025
  • Jan. 6-Feb. 6, 2025: Practicum
  • Feb. 13: Graduation     

Winter 2025 MA Program:

  • Jan. 16: Intro to GRCC’s MA Program (Orientation and CPR/First Aid)
  • Jan. 20-March 28: Phase I
  • March 31-Apr. 4: Off
  • Apr.7–June 5: Phase II (reschedule Memorial Day classes to either Tuesday or Friday)
  • June 2-July 4: Practicum
  • July 10: Graduation

Summer 2025 MA Program:

  • July 31: Intro to GRCC's MA Program (Orientation and CPR/First Aid)
  • Aug. 4-Oct. 9: Phase I (reschedule Labor Day classes to Tuesday or Friday)
  • Oct. 13-17: Off (Between Phase Break)
  • Oct. 20-Dec. 18: Phase II (no class Nov. 24-27, no class Dec. 22, 2025-Jan. 2, 2026)
  • Jan. 5, 2026-Feb.6, 2026: Practicum
  • Feb.12: Graduation          

Winter 2026 MA Program:

  • Jan. 22: Intro to GRCC’s MA Program (Orientation and CPR/First Aid)
  • Jan. 26-Apr. 2: Phase I
  • Apr. 6-10: Off (spring Break)
  • Apr.13-June 4: Phase II (reschedule Memorial Day classes to either Tuesday or Friday)
  • June 8-July 10: Practicum
  • July 16: Graduation

Program Cost

Cost: $8,675

GRCC's Medical Assistant Program is a non-credit clock hour program that is Financial Aid Eligible. Tuition is due 30 days prior to the course start date.

Tuition includes:

  • Criminal Background Check fee
  • Computer Competency Assessment 
  • RMA National Certification Exam fee
  • American Heart Association BLS CPR and Heartsaver First Aid
  • Course Course textbooks
  • Uniform
  • Stethoscope
  • Learning lab resources
  • Facilities Maintenance Fee

Tuition does not include:

  • Required Immunizations that the participant may need to complete
  • WorkKeys NCRC(link is external) assessment fee
  • Time piece (watch or fob) with a second hand
  • Clinical sites are within a 200 mile radius of GRCC’s main campus. Students may be placed at any clinical site, regardless of distance. Students are responsible for their own transportation and any cost associated with it. Clinicals may occur 1-4 times per a week. While most rotations occur weekdays between 7am-7pm, weekend and night assignments are possible.

Scholarships Available

We are pleased to be able to offer the Corewell Health Care Professionals Education Scholarship to eligible students in the Medical Assisting program.  Students can apply at is external) with their MyGRCC credentials for awards up to $2000. For more information and directions on how to apply, attend a Healthcare Information session or contact our office (616) 234-3800.


Amanda Constant
After my husband got sick, I knew I had to step up and thought GRCC was the perfect option. I found the Medical Assistant program and knew that was it. My goal was to get through the program and make my family proud.
Amanda Constant, Medical Assistant graduate