Our mission is to secure and manage financial gifts to promote student, employee and community learning, enabling the college to fulfill its mission and vision.
The Foundation was established in 1964 at the 50th Anniversary of Grand Rapids Junior College with $12,000 in gifts from alumni and friends of the college.
Today, the GRCC Foundation has assets of over $41 million and awarded a total of $1.3 million in scholarships. In addition to student scholarships and grants, funds are provided each year for instructional improvement and staff professional development.
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The GRCC Foundation is approved as a 501c3 organization under the Internal Revenue Code.

After my husband got sick, I knew I had to step up and thought GRCC was the perfect option. I found the Medical Assistant program and knew that was it. My goal was to get through the program and make my family proud.
Amanda Constant
Faculty & Staff

Erin Van Egmond
Vice President of College Advancement and Executive Director of the GRCC Foundation
(616) 234-3931