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Learning Resource Center - Coming Summer 2026

December Update

Infrastructure improvements are the basis for many renovations.  These are not the “fun and exciting” parts, like designing the interior space so that the “atmosphere and feeling” of the building are evident or picking out furniture and the finishing touches . These improvements are generally behind walls, or are walls!  

However, everyone can agree that it is expected that lights will turn on upon entering a room, water will flow when a faucet is turned on and that the room remains at a comfortable temperature.  Infrastructure improvements are the necessary and important framework of a large scale project.

This project will include:
Updating electrical, plumbing, mechanical and HVAC systems
Replacing the roof
Addressing accessibility issues
Reconfiguring interior spaces
Improving energy efficiency
Adding 16,100 square feet to house additional student services

As in all GRCC projects, sustainability is important, reducing the carbon footprint in a building and using less energy is a priority. LEED certification may be pursued for this project.  GRCC will also incorporate sustainability measures from other systems to meet GRCC goals, such as WELL Building, Zero Carbon, and biophilic design strategies 

December photos

November Update

The LRC Steering Committee has been meeting with the Architect for the project, Progressive Companies, and the Construction Manager, Pioneer Construction to create a design concept for the building.  In order to establish design principles for the project, the team talked with current department members and held workshops with students to determine the wants and needs for the building.

Some of the main concepts of the design are to create a space that gives all who enter a feeling of belonging and a sense of community.  A welcoming space where students, faculty, staff and community feel connected, one that is inclusive and accessible for all.  A place where students are able to access resources needed to persist, complete their education and be career ready.

Innovative, flexible and adaptive classrooms and learning spaces will support student learning in all modalities.  These versatile spaces will support students’ use of a variety of devices to access course work, plus provide on campus study spaces for classes that are in an online or a hybrid format.  Choices of independent, collaborative and group study rooms will be available.

Stakeholders in the future Learning Resource Center will include:

  • Academic Support and Tutoring
  • Academic Testing Services
  • Counseling & Career Development
  • Disability Support Services
  • Inclusion & Multicultural Affairs
  • Information & Media Technologies
  • Library

This welcoming hub will offer students the ease of accessing and connecting with resources needed to support learning and success while at GRCC and beyond.

October Update

Grand Rapids Community College’s Library and Learning Commons is getting ready for a major renovation.  The 61,268 square foot building that was built in 1972 is in the process of being vacated so the work can begin!  

The services that were housed there have been relocated to temporary locations on campus:  

  • The Library and Learning Commons-5th floor of the Raleigh J. Finklestein (RJF) 
  • Media Technologies-Room 180 ATC
  • Academic Support & Tutoring Service-Room 214 ATC
  • Woodrick Center for Inclusion & Multicultural Affairs-Room 347 Student Center

The building will be transformed into a dynamic learning space that will include traditional and innovative library resources, student services, enhanced technology, individual study space and collaborative learning space.  The new name, Learning Resource Center (LRC) encompasses all aspects of the services the building will provide.

This extensive renovation is made possible by Capital Outlay funding of $16.8 million from the State of Michigan.  This will help cover just under half of the project’s $35 million price tag.  Students, faculty, staff and the community will benefit from this funding for years to come.

November photos

November photos

LRC Rendering

LRC rendering